Week 12 – We’re Omnipotent

This is getting exciting. I’m enjoying Week 12 of the Master Keys.  Where to begin?

(1-2) The first few paragraphs really lay it out there. Creative thought is the key. Anybody can do this. Well, anybody who has to capability of thought. Thinking is free. Nobody can take it away from you (well, perhaps with drugs and other ways of limiting one’s ability to engage his or her mind). That’s important, because this gives credence to the line we were taught as children that we can be anything we want to be.

(3) “We know that thought is building for us the thing we think of and actually bringing it nearer.” Too often negative thoughts intrude upon the positive thoughts we have and negate our effort.  Our thoughts must be laser focused.

(4) To keep from going backward, one must go forward. But how? With three essential steps. 1) know about your power, 2) have the courage to dare, and 3) have the faith to do.

(5-7) With these three things, you can construct the ideal business, home, friends and family, or environment. Materials and cost are of no matter. Your mind can imagine all these things in great detail. But you must maintain your focus. Scattering your forces will result in nothing — like a sculptor changing the sculpture ever fifteen minutes. Without the focus, the product is muddied.

Before you think these thoughts will magically produce results, it isn’t quite that easy — but close.  Paragraph 22 says, “Things are created in the mental or spiritual world before they appear in the outward act or event. By the simple process of governing our thought forces today, we help create the events which will come into our lives in the future, perhaps even tomorrow. Educated desire is the most potent means of bringing into action the law of attraction.” In short, once we’ve conceived and believed, we see the ways we can make our thoughts a reality.

Next it gets interesting, and I found the explanation for why I am initially resistant to new ideas, and why most other people are, too.  Paragraph 23 explains: “The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it. This explains why it is so difficult for us to receive or appreciate an entirely new idea; we have no brain cell capable of receiving it; we are therefore incredulous; we do not believe it.” Once we’re heard an idea and have time to think upon it, we can believe it and see it as a possibility.

(24)  The Omnipotence of the law of attraction, and the scientific method by which it can be put into operation opens possibilities to those who are enabled to take advantage of the resources it offers. Taking advantage of the unlimited powers which may be yours by cooperating with Natural Law is done by concentration or attention.

(25) The intention governs the attention. Power comes through repose. By concentration, deep thoughts, wise speech, and all forces of high potentiality are accomplished.

(26) It is in the Silence that you get into touch with the Omnipotent power of the subconscious mind from which all power is evolved.

Practice will help perfect these processes, but we each truly control our destiny by our thought and how we use our minds to achieve our most significant desires. If we are not seeing the path, then we have not perfected the process, but we can all improve. Can you imagine how exciting this could be in your life? Can you see it? If not, give your mind a little time to begin to imagine what could be and let it run with the positive things that could be in your life.


7 thoughts on “Week 12 – We’re Omnipotent”

  1. One of my mentors challenged the phrase “practice makes perfect” because that could lead to results not intended. His counter “Perfect practice makes perfect”. If you’re going to practice, make sure you are practicing that which will get you to your intended goal(s). Great post, Jean. Lots of good things contained “within”.

  2. Thanks, Jean, for reMINDing me that “Educated desire is the most potent means of bringing into action the law of attraction.” To me, “Educated desire” means I’m privileged to start with my natural/innate Desires for Joy, and then educate myself about and choose among the infinite number of ways to attract and express what helps me feel Joyful. Wishing you all the Joy you can dream of!

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