Week 22A – Spiritual Seeds

Last week we talked about our thoughts being spiritual seeds, which, once planted in the subconscious, have a tendency to sprout and grow, resulting in a crop not always to our liking. As you remember, using the Law of Growth, what we think about grows. If we’re not thinking about what we want, we’re going to reap a crop we don’t want. The theory is the various ailments we experience in our lives “inflammation, paralysis, nervousness and diseased conditions” are a manifestation of fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, hatred, and similar negative manifestations. That’s a tough pill to swallow, isn’t it?

This was last week’s reading, but I’m so intrigued by it, that I’m carrying this reading over into this week when we can choose what master key to read, or not read, as we wish. The reading goes on to say life needs only food, water, and air to be sustained, so it would seem life would be maintained indefinitely, right? But it isn’t. Let’s look at destructive activity, which is the breaking down and excreting the waste material produced by the body as a result of its daily operation. That, the reading surmises, is the cause of all disease. Waste material accumulates and saturates our body’s tissues. This may be partial or general, affecting either a portion of or the entire system.-

One question I’ve had and so have other people I’ve discussed this with is, why don’t we live forever if we have our thinking right? I surmise it’s because we are all flawed as human beings. I presented this thought to a friend of mine, and she surmised this allowed us to experience emotions, which allows us to be empathetic. Many of you may have other questions about this, and I probably don’t have answers. I’m an imperfect practicer as well, early in my journey. All I can offer is it’s worth contemplating and seeking the answer within your own mind. Quiet your mind, and, with practice, an answer will come. We know that what we think about grows, so to increase our health, we must concentrate on that, “eliminating thoughts of fear, worry, care, anxiety jealousy, hatred, and every other destructive thought.” Nourishing foods and tonics are only secondary aspects of life. If our thinking is not healthful, all the healthy tonics in the world cannot restore our health. We must believe it. Remember, we must focus on what we want and ignore what we don’t want.

Strangely, I believe I’ve been benefitting from this. I’m preparing for a second knee replacement. I got a steroid shot in December, and my knee was quite painful then and for a week after that shot. Then the knee wasn’t painful. I’ve been focusing on true health and positive aspects of things, and that steroid shot should have worn off by now, and I should be in a great deal of pain; however, I rarely notice pain in that knee. I can still hear it crunching, so there are still problems in that knee, but my mental approach has been of a positive nature, and I believe I’ve benefitted from it.

We’re using this method, but most of us use it unconsciously and experience undesirable results because we have not practiced using our thought processes for producing the results we desire. We’ve spoken about our mind controlling our body often. Laughter results in our body shaking, bladder leakage, or tears pouring from our eyes. This is an example of our mind controlling our muscles and our glands. When we get angry, how often have we spoken about our blood pressure rising or someone’s face growing red? Our mind controls our blood circulation. These are examples of our mind controlling our body, but it’s short-lived. Our subconscious mind does the same thing when white blood corpuscles rush to deal with an infection. How about a broken bone healing? A doctor can’t heal it. The body takes care of that. If we let the body work and don’t interfere, it takes quite good care of us. The secret of health is in vibration, also known as frequency. When we look at chemistry, each cell is in constant vibration as electrons form and reform bonds with neutrons. We’re one large vibrating entity. We aren’t usually conscious of it (until that leg gets to bouncing – you know what I mean), but each of us has a frequency. The healthier we are, the higher our frequency rating, but most of us “vibrate” at around 62-68 MHz. You begin to die at around 25 MHz. If you’re experiencing cold symptoms, your frequency is around 58 MHz. Flu symptoms? Around 57 MHz. Cancer? 42 MHz. Your healthy brain operates at around 71-90 MHz.

This isn’t just this Master Key weekly reading that says this. I obtained those frequency readings from The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple by Dr. David Steward, PhD, D.N.M, page 182. We know mental action is a rate of vibration. The higher rate of vibration overrides the lower rate of vibration. We can affect our overall health by how and what we think about. Most people are not aware of the powerful impact they can have upon their own lives, and doctors are not taught this in medical school. Some doctors know it and act accordingly, but many do not.

Whether you believe this or not, what harm is there in practicing it? Why not think positive, happy, healing thoughts? Why not concentrate on envisioning the life you want to experience? When the opportunity comes along to create that life you’ve created in your mind, you’ll be better prepared to recognize it?

Week 22 – Mastering Emotions

In Scroll VI, we are mastering emotions. I’m having more fun with this scroll than most. “Inside me is a wheel , constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy.” I immediately thought of those lights people used to put at the base of their Christmas trees. mastering emotions

Then, whenever I read this section, I laugh or smile. “Each day, when I awaken, I follow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity and failure –” How many of you view the day in this manner? Well, there’s a plan for that.

If I feel depressed I sing.

If I feel sad I laugh.

If I feel ill I double my labor.

If I feel fear I plunge ahead.

If I feel inferior I wear new garments.

If I feel uncertain I raise my voice.

If I feel poverty I think of wealth to come.

If I feel incompetent I remember past success.

If I feel insignificant I remember my goals.

Today I master my emotions.

The scroll goes on to talk about the forces “which approach with a smile and the hand of friendship and they can also destroy me.” Again. Never relinquish control

If I become overconfident I recall my failures.

If I overindulge I think of past hungers.

If I feel complacency I remember my competition.

If I enjoy moments of greatness I remember moments of shame.

If I feel all-powerful I try to stop the wind.

If I attain great wealth I remember one unfed mount.

If I become overly proud I remember a moment of weakness.

If I feel my skill unmatched I look at the stars.

Today I master of my emotions.

It gets better still!

“I no longer judge a man on one meeting; I no longer fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today. This day he does not buy gold chariots for a penny, yet tomorrow he exchanges his home for a tree. My knowledge of this secret is my key to great wealth.”

This scroll, valuable as it is, has me smiling all the way through because of it’s way with words.

(Yes, the Silence has been wonderful – I’m not in complete Silence during this period, but I’ve been experimenting and learning many new things.)

Week 21 – Prayer

This week emphasizes prayer, and I think many people will find what the Master Keys have to say about prayer encouraging. The introduction tells us “In paragraph 8 you will find that everything which we hold in our consciousness for any length of time becomes impressed upon our subconsciousness and so becomes a pattern which the creative energy will wave into our life and environment. This is the secret of the wonderful power of prayer.” It goes on to remind us of the spiritual laws, which tell us that “if prayer has ever been answered it will always be answered.” It also says, “Unfortunately, there are comparatively few persons who know how to pray.”

Let’s skip ahead to paragraph 8. “When we realize these facts concerning mind, we understand how we may bring ourselves any condition by creating the corresponding conditions in our consciousness, because everything which is held for any length of time in the consciousness, eventually becomes impressed upon the subconscious and thus becomes a pattern which the creative energy will wave into the life and environment of the individual.” This, you will recall, is the secret of the wonderful power of prayer.

Returning to paragraph 5, I’d like to note, “The ability to eliminate imperfect conditions depends upon mental action, and mental action depends upon consciousness of power; therefore, the more conscious we become of our unity with the source of all power, the greater will be our power to control and master every condition.”

Remembering the Law of Attraction and that like attracts like, we take a look at paragraph 13. “This mental attitude is our personality and is composed of the thoughts which we have been creating in our own mind; therefore, if we wish a change in conditions all that is necessary is to change our thought; this will in turn change our mental attitude, which will in turn change our personality, which will in turn change the persons, things and conditions, or, the experiences with which we meet in life.”

This is darned hard for some people to do. The old blueprint in strong. But paragraph 14 offers hope for those frustrated by the process. “It is, however, no easy matter to change the mental attitude, but by persistent effort it may be accomplished; the mental attitude is patterned after the mental pictures which have been photographed on the brain; if you do not like the pictures, then destroy the negatives and create new pictures; this is the art of visualization.” I won’t repeat what I wrote in the margin of this paragraph. It translates to “No kidding!” But paragraph 15 goes on to say, “As soon as you have done this you will begin to attract new things, and the new things will correspond to the new pictures. To do this: impress on the mind a perfect picture of the desire which you wish to have objectified and continue to hold the picture in mind until results are obtained.”

It goes on to reiterate to use as much detail, determination, and anything else that is needed to form and create this picture. This is consistent with what the Master Keys have been telling us all along, but at this point, I feel more able to bring this picture into focus. With practice, it will come more easily and more completely.


Week 20 — Crushing

I’m experiencing a crushing feeling, and not in the sense of “I’m crushing it.” More in the sense of “it’s crushing me.” First, I’m going to hit the good stuff, and maybe the “crushing” stuff will go away.

Week 20 expands upon the Week 1, paragraph 24 statement, “All agree that there is but one Principle or Consciousness pervading the entire Universe, occupying all space, and being essentially the same in kind at every point of its presence. It is all powerful, all wisdom and always present. All thoughts and things are within Itself. It is all in all.” I wrote in the margin beside this paragraph, “God is in me.”

Back in Week 20, let’s look at Paragraph 8. “When you begin to perceive that the essence of the Universal is within yourself — is you — you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination; which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to thought; which enables you to connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this power which will enable you to plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully.”

Paragraph 9 goes on to say, “But perception will come only in the Silence; this seems to be the condition required for all great purposes. You are a visualizing entity. Imagination is your workshop. It is here that your ideal is to be visualized.”

Paragraph 28 advises us of the power of thought. “Every time you think you start a train of causation which will create a condition in strict accordance with the quality of the thought which originated it. Thought which is in harmony with the Universal Mind will result in corresponding conditions. Thought which is destructive or discordant will produce corresponding results. You may use thought constructively or destructively, but the immutable law will not allow you to plant a thought of one kind and reap the fruit of another. You are free to use this marvelous creative power as you will, but you must take the consequences.”

And there’s the rub. I repeat the thought I want to grow, yet half the time I say the thought, even managing enthusiasm sometimes, the opposite of that thought pushes it’s way back into my mind. I keep trying to push it out, but it keeps coming back. I’d hoped to eradicate it by now.

Which brings us to Paragraph 29. “This is the danger from what is called Will Power…the fundamental principle of creative power is in the Universal, and therefore the idea of forcing a compliance with our wishes by the power of the individual will is an inverted conception which may appear to succeed for a while but is eventually doomed to failure, because it antagonizes the very power which it is seeking to use.”

Hmm. This could be a problem.

Paragraph 31. “For your exercise this week, go into the Silence and concentrate on the fact that “In him we live and move and have our being” is literally and scientifically exact! That you ARE because He IS, that if He is Omnipresent He must be in you. That if He is all in all you must be in Him! That He is Spirit and you are made in “His image and likeness” and that the only difference between His spirit and your spirit is one of degree, that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. When you can realize this clearly you will have found the secret of the creative power of thought, you will have found the origin of both good and evil, you will have found the secret of the wonderful power of concentration, you will have found the key to the solution of every problem whether physical, financial, or environmental.”

I should draw some conclusions here. I still draw the conclusion “God is in me.” That’s distinctly different from me saying “I am God.” No. “God is in me.” is a very uplifting concept, because if God is in me, He is always with me. It also gives credence to the “your body is a temple” idea, which plays to my True Health personal pivotal need (PPN). If my body is a vessel for The Lord, that’s all the more reason to take care of it, so that supports my need for physical health (besides the fact that physical health just makes life a whole lot easier to participate in). The emotional health aspect is what’s causing me challenges. While I’m expressing that “crushing” feeling from addressing this challenge, I welcome it, because when I find my way through this challenge, life will be better.

My recent concern has been whether I need to abandon my PPN of “Recognition for Creative Expression” for another PPN of “Helping Others.” I don’t want to do this, but I’m being required to devote more time to this to achieve my emotional health. Sorting this out is contributing to the “crushing” sensation, so multiple Sits are in order. It’s not a good place to be in right now, but it will be a good place to HAVE BEEN in, if you know what I mean.

Week 20 – Table is Full

My table feels full this week. I’d like to write something deep, witty, and inspiring. But this week, I feel like I have a couple dozen rubber balls on a tilty table, and only my arms to keep them from dropping off into the abyss. It’s not quite that bad. Not really.

I did almost forget about the Tools for Expanding requirement in the Alliances this week. I logged in to download primary ballots to print so we can plan our primary voting strategy and checked the Alliances while I was in (we’re mobile in San Antonio this week, so I don’t have an always on internet connection). Whew. Caught that rolly ball.

It will all come together. I may even get a more coherent post after we get back to Central Texas on Friday, but until then, this will cover me.

Week 19 – Fodder for a Sit

I recommended the class to a friend earlier this week. He responded he’d looked into the class but didn’t think it was right for him. No problem. I can accept that. It isn’t right for everybody. (Well, I think it is, but I can understand why someone else might not think so.) He went on to say he was interested in the results for me, adding he did think it was only making internal changes for me, because he hadn’t seen anything external yet, and he was looking forward to the external impact.

Hmm. Okay. Part of my DMP should be externally represented as it’s manifested, and, as written, I agree there should be external results at this point. Those are the areas I’m rethinking now, because that has not happened yet. The most important part is manifesting, and it’s mostly internal work, and it’s been, to put it indelicately, hard as hell for me.

I devoted my Sit to that subject on the day I read the comment (we don’t live near one another, and like most of my friends, our interaction is largely electronic). I believe my other DMP manifestations have been delayed because I’m placing so much energy on this most important aspect of my DMP. The other aspects are important, but this first one is critical to me. Since the Sit, I’ve given it additional consideration, and the fact that internal work has not been visible is a positive sign in and of itself, because, as you know, Law of Growth.

The Recognition for Creative Expression personal pivotal need (PPN), which would be most outwardly visible, will manifest, or maybe I’ll realize it isn’t as important as I once thought and re-evaluate for the correct PPN, rewriting my DMP to reflect that. For now, I’m sticking with this one. The physical aspect of my True Health has not manifested either, and I’m devoting time to finding better baby steps to help with that manifestation. Meanwhile, the top half of my DMP is manifesting, albeit slowly, I know it’s happening. And, yes, for 99.99% of the world, that’s an internal manifestation with outward implications for only one other person. Upon reflection, I’m good with that, so, thank you, my friend, for helping me achieve that clarity in my own mind.

Week 18 – Captain, May I?

Captain, May I take three baby steps?* As I was reading Keri’s stunning blog post this week about breaking glass ceilings with her new HULK persona (so in tune with this week’s class video, by the way), I was reminded of the childhood game, Captain, May I. In this game, one person is the captain. The other players stand across the yard and call out, in turn, to the captain, “Captain, May I take one giant step?” (or some certain combination of steps and numbers) The captain responds with “Yes, you may” or “No, you may not.” (Or something like that. It’s been nearly fifty years since I’ve played or even thought about playing, so the rules are bit fuzzy.) But if you’re not worrying about the competition of the game, baby steps, giant steps, and even scissor steps will all get you to the other side of the yard. Give yourself permission, and celebrate along the way.

Are you despairing on your journey, because you think you aren’t getting there fast enough? Maybe, like Arielle, you should remember it’s your last day on earth and stop to play with the Lincoln Logs (because that’s really fun!). Or take a few minutes to converse with a family member even if it isn’t earth-shatteringly important. It’s the little things that make a difference in people’s lives. Those baby steps. They turn out to be the most important steps of all.

  • Upon further reflection, I think this game was called “Mother, May I?” I suppose you can use any authority figure you want. The concept is similar. As one might expect, Wikipedia has an entry.

Week 18 – I Am

I plan to watch both recommended videos, but I was able to rent I AM, so I’m able to pull together some thoughts for this week. I have been fascinated by the quantum aspects of this course, and the quantum aspects discussed in this video also fascinate me. I found the discussion about aboriginal cultures valuing cooperation at the highest value and holding competition as a very low value enlightening. Especially that competition beyond certain boundaries is considered mental illness. Decades ago, I lost most interest in intense competition. I always thought that meant something was wrong with me. The revelation that that intense competition might be considered mental illness amuses me. I believe too much of any one thing is considered mental illness, with a balanced approach being considered the healthier approach to most things in life.

The message our culture sends that to be happy we must buy stuff is flawed. The truth is, we need a certain amount of stuff to survive, and that makes us happy. The lie is that more stuff equals more happy. But how many of us engage in “retail therapy?”  George Carlin’s “A Place for my Stuff” piece is always a great way to call attention to this tendency to relate to our “stuff.”

I liked the discussion about democracy in nature and how that’s coded into our DNA. But the part that really got me thinking was Marc Ian Barasch and Rollin McCraty say, in essence, “The heart is the boss of us.” Love, care, gratitude are healthy and renew our physiology. Our heart sends a stressful or emotional pattern, it literally inhibits our brain. The heart’s electromagnetic field is huge and can be felt outside the body. It can be measured and have a physiological effect. The discussions in this area are stunning. They hypothesize that the heart is the access point to the spirit. Thoughts and emotions affect more than we think. The discussion about the effect of emotions on random number generators in cities around the world and the effect of 9-11 on those numbers was astounding, lending support to the theory that what we do on an individual level does affect the world. Dean Radin admits it sounds way too close to the New Age concepts that so many people poo-poo, yet it has a basis in quantum physics.

Thom Hartmann’s analogy about disassembling a car and reassembling it, and disassembling our dog and reassembling it (not a good idea, by the way) proving there is something fundamentally different between machines and life. Note: Your doctor generally gets you are not a machine. Your insurance company? You’re a machine to them.

I am adjusting to the idea of connectedness. I think I can accept that. I’m not certain their approach is the most correct one for that; however, the discussion is valuable. Changing of perceptions. True. That can make all the difference.

Tom Shady’s questions he sought to answer in this documentary, and the answers he came up with (spoiler):

What is wrong with the world? I am.

What is right with the world? I am.

Week 17HJ – Dominating Thoughts

Second. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality.

When I read this at the beginning of the course, I mentally gasped in horror. No wonder I was always snapping at my husband. Over the years, my thoughts had become focused on his more annoying traits and not his more endearing ones. I was witnessing the outward manifestation of those inward thoughts far too often. And so was he.

At the beginning of the course, he thought it sounded like brainwashing. I couldn’t disagree, except that the techniques were being used for good — in my case, to improve our relationship (among other things). I’ve resenting having to “brainwash” myself to love my husband; however, the Blueprint Builder drove home in agonizing clarity that I’d slowly done that to myself through the years by focusing on the traits that annoyed me instead of those that endeared me. The principles taught in this course have enabled me to reverse that awful trend.

He hasn’t said if he’s noticed any improvement in me or not. At Week 6, in an unsolicited conversation, he said he hadn’t. He’s been pretty neutral about the course requirements since then, which may be as close as I get to an acknowledgement that I’m improving. I know I have a ways to go, but I’m employing the Laws of the Mind as appropriate when those negative thoughts intrude.

I have so much more I’m working on in this course, but this is my top priority. Other things are fitting in as I am able.

Why did I gasp in horror? My husband was very ill at the time. We later learned he had bilateral pneumonia, and we suspect he had it from October until he was diagnosed and treated in early January. He is improving, but my mind spent a lot of time dwelling on what my old blueprint may have been manifesting, and that wasn’t a pleasant thought.