Week 4-Linking

This is a powerful week, and I’m encountering a mixture of excitement and old Blueprint resistance. I recognize it for what it is, and I will prevail.

The excitement is like sunlight through an overhead canopy of leaves dappling the ground. I can catch enough of the beauty of the sunlight to want more. So it is with the Master Key installation in my Subby. I’ve had a couple clear instances of Subby at work this week, and while they were small, they were dazzling!

I’m riding the train from Central Texas to Chicago to visit with my parents in Wisconsin this week, and I’m relishing the opportunity to read, write, and reflect while glancing out the window. Last week I was looking for green triangles. Where were the green triangles? Green triangles are big, people. I found them when I could see whole trees. They are everywhere!

Reading my Blueprint Builder after lunch today, I had to stop and find my colored pencils. I needed to link each part of the Blueprint Builder to the shapes and colors that match my Definite Major Purpose.

I’m so glad I chose green triangles for the World Within. While I’m giving the “hope for joy, affluence, kindness and love” with every encounter, I found it clashing with my Old Blueprint making observations that could be considered at odds with that gift. Definite stumbles into ignorance and self-pity this week (as there have been each week in varying degrees). I need these big green triangles reaching for the sky for better, more uplifting thoughts about my fellow man.

My Blueprint Builder is now linked to my shapes and colors. I always keep my promises, and these are promises I want to keep. I read those cards more than three times a day to retrain my Subby in the right way. The way Subby knows it should be but which has been suppressed by the Old Blueprint.

I can be what I will to be. Today, I begin a new life.

One thought on “Week 4-Linking”

  1. That’s so cool that you found green triangles in the trees! Your subby is making connections all over the place. Congratulations!

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