Week 11-I Am Whole…

I began experiencing sciatic pain yesterday (this was worse than my total knee replacement back in April and maybe worse than the pain in my yet-to-be-replaced knee on a  bad day). Last night, I was miserable. Then I remembered we have this affirmation. I began repeating “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy” over and over. Gradually, my mind was able to focus on that instead of the pain, and I was able to sleep. What a great Law of Substitution example!

4 thoughts on “Week 11-I Am Whole…”

  1. I’m torn about whether it’s Law of Substitution or Law of Growth. Frankly, I think it’s both. By substituting the affirmation for the thoughts of pain, I replaced a negative thought with a positive one, and as I thought about the affirmation more, it grew, and the pain atrophied. So there.

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