Week 32: Still Pondering Value


Value is tougher than I thought. I understood it wasn’t just about money. It’s much more than that. I’ve devoted many of my sits to this topic this week.

What is value? How does the genius of man multiply value?

Where is my value? What does it mean to me?

Do I know what my value is, or is my true value yet to be discovered? I looked for synonyms in my dictionary/thesaurus app to help. In the noun category, I found an exhaustive list. Advantage, worth, account, bearing, benefit, caliber, condition, connotation, consequence, content, denotation, desirability, distinction, drift, eminence, esteem, estimation, excellence, finish, force, goodness, grade, help, implication, import, importance, interpretation, mark, marketability, meaning, merit, power, preference, purpose, quality, regard, repute, sense, serviceableness, significance, state, stature, substance, superiority, use, usefulness utility, and valuation. Whew! There’s an equally long list for the verb usage of the word. The good news from this list? Everyone’s value is going to be different, and increasing or multiplying it will be a different process and journey for everyone.

Do I find it in my DMP? My relationships? My travel? My health? My writing? My cats? Where am I most useful? My solitude, perhaps? Is it related to the respect people have for me or I for myself? Does my passion for polar bears come into play?

I didn’t find these answers in my sits this week. I did find my next plan of action entry: “My heart beats strong and steady.” That message came through loud and clear today. The alternative is…troubling, so I’m happy to affirm that message three times a day. The power of thought is gradually becoming apparent, and I’m continuing to improve. In time, I will know exactly how to multiply my value. I trust this.


3 thoughts on “Week 32: Still Pondering Value”

  1. Great thoughts and questions, Jean! I think each of us have many of the same values though there is a specific value unique to each of us. I haven’t pinpointed mine yet but I believe the way your value is multiplied is by the sharing and giving of yourself to others.

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