Week 49: Effortless?

Have I reached to point of effortlessness? Not really, but I can see it on the horizon.

Year Two is about to start for me, and I’m so excited for the people experiencing this course for the first time. I know it won’t be easy for them. In fact, I imagine some of them have already had second thoughts about even starting this. Already things are becoming overwhelming, and they cannot imagine any of it ever being “effortless.” In fact, the mere thought seems impossible to many of them.

You have got to believe. You must let go and just trust this process. Even when all evidence appears to be gathered to the contrary. Mark and Davene and the MKMMA Team are going to walk you through step-by-step. It will seem crazy. It will seem like you don’t have enough time in the day to do it all. You do. It’s not crazy. Or, if it is, it’s a good kind of crazy. It will all come together, but for right now, push your “I Believe” button like it’s the Staples Easy Button and do your best. You’ll feel clumsy at first. It’s okay. You’ll feel overwhelmed. Don’t give up.

You applied for your scholarship and you earned it. Every one of us from last year paid into the scholarship fund so you could earn this scholarship. We’re excited for you, and we’re all pulling for you, because we know if you keep your promise to yourself, you are going to be amazed at the power you will experience in your lives.

If you’re thinking you can’t do this, just take it one step at a time. Life is going to try to get in your way. It’s going to try very hard to discourage you. Because change is scary, and already your old blueprint feels threatened. It’s found a thousand and one reasons why you shouldn’t do this. From big reasons that seem like they hold water to little reasons like the dog peed on the floor, and this is just one more thing getting in the way from taking care of that. Don’t let a temporary problem get in the way of finding your bliss. You are worth it. You are not alone.

Get to that webbie on Sunday and hang in there all the way through, and, if you have to, get the replay. You’re investing in you, and you are worth every single second it takes.

Oh, and I’ll just tell you, until everything began to manifest, I had to tell myself, “You’re a fiction writer, write the fiction that is your life, and just keep doing it.” Eventually, that fiction began becoming reality. So if it feels like you’re speaking a lie, know that you better make it the best lie you can, because it will become real. Make it good. Someday, effortless will come.

Note to Self: Somewhere you messed up your week count. If the new class begins on Sunday, this must be Week 52. Hmmm.