Week 2-2a – The Watchman at the Gate

This subject is too important not to explore more. Paragraph 15 says, “Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will.”

To me, this means what is attributed to “instinct” is learned behavior. If this is true, if our learned behavior is harmful to ourselves or others, we can, using the tools of this course, re-learn new and healthier instinctive behaviors. 

From my experience with a few of the things I’m working on in this course, this may not manifest overnight, but with persistent application of the tools and principles we’re learning, we will manifest the desired changes. 

Paragraph 16 offers further guidance. “The subconscious mind draws just and accurate inferences from premises furnished from outside sources. Where the premise is true, the subconscious mind reaches a faultless conclusion, but, where the premise or suggestion is an error, the whole structure falls. The subconscious mind does not engage in the process of proving. It relies upon the conscious mind, “the watchman at the gate,” to guard it from mistaken impressions.”

This should remind us that our desires must comply with the laws of nature if we want to manifest in a healthy way.

So, in addition to employing repetition for our definite major purpose to manifest “effortlessly,” we must ensure what we are manifesting aligns with the laws of nature. (Paragraph 5 of the Blueprint Builder will help with this.)

Much to contemplate in my sits as I learn to keep Subby manifesting what I want and need. 

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