Week 2-7 – Forgiveness

I’m thankful I was able to catch the webbie live this week. We’ve been traveling non-stop since the end of September. I love the forgiveness week. I learned long ago to let things go. I had had a couple of personal things that I started to hold a grudge about, but I realized the thing I was upset about was not any of my business, and if I didn’t let it go, it would negatively impact my relationship with people I cared deeply about. I wish I could describe how to do it, but, frankly, it was a decision. Once I decided, the issue was just gone.  That simple.

Big stuff has been easy for me. Once I recognize it, I can let it go. The little things have been more insidious. When I find myself constantly annoyed by someone or something, there’s probably something I need to be letting go. Identifying that, letting go, and moving forward can be challenging. I’m getting better at it.

I forgive everyone. Easy to say. Easy to do. But learning to recognize the signs that something is disrupting my life flow is important to dislodging it and letting it float away, never to bother me again. I’ve started to recognize when I need to look for something to let go.

Similarly, I had serious issues with the last two stanzas of the Gal in the Glass. I was annoyed by the second to last stanza, and I kept thinking of Joe Paterno for the last stanza. Finally, sometime over the summer, I realized I wasn’t troubled by them anymore. Now I read them, and keep going. This is the first item we need to read daily for this experience that I can recite from memory. I have a long way to go on the Blueprint Builder, but I’ll get that one, too.

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