Year 3, Week 19: The Mind Gym


The MKE has a progression where we workout in our Mind Gym. There are specific steps for this, but I’m winging it here because I can. I’m in my third year of the course — one year as a student committed to following the steps as taught and two years independently applying what I have learned, following along with the live course, and modifying as I see fit.

I checked the workbook for this week and saw the instructions for the continuing Mind Gym exercises, and I immediately thought it’s a good time for a reminder about progress in the Gym.

What are my reminders?

  • Don’t judge your progress on your journey by what you SEE in others. You don’t know the struggles they face inside and you may not know how far they’ve come or how far they have to go. But do encourage them.
  • Secondly, don’t judge your progress on your journey by your end goal. You shouldn’t necessarily look back too often to gauge how far you’ve come. You may look down and see only a short distance, but there are a couple of possibilities. Perhaps you’ve climbed the sheer cliff to get to the tiny purchase you’ve been able to cling to while checking your progress. Or maybe you’re not a good climber, so you’ve taken the long, meandering goat path which has taken you seemingly far out of your way to get to the cliff you’re clinging to now. Neither journey has been easy. Just different. It’s your journey, so savor it.
  • Maybe you do look back and are amazed by how far you’ve come but you’re still frustrated by how far you have to go. This journey is your life. It will take as long as it takes. Savor each moment and build upon that going forward. Live in the moment. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never get here, but you have today. Seize it! Make it yours! No matter what life throws at you, calmly, with firm purpose, stand boldly, and say with conviction, “Bring it on!”