Week 2-11 – Forget It!

M. R. Kopmeyer is solidly the second member of my Council. Thoughts to Build On is such a valuable supplement to this course. Each chapter is short and pertinent to everything we’re studying. The terminology is even consistent. One of my readings this week was titled, “Forget It.”

The lesson? When something annoys you, don’t dwell on it. Forget it right away. The theory behind this is, you’re going to forget it eventually, why not do it now? Don’t spend even a moment of your precious time dwelling on something that needs to be forgotten and let go.

You’ve heard the tagline for the disaster clean up people, right? “Like it Never Even Happened.” That’s why we need to make annoyances that we’re going to eventually forget about anyway disappear (even if you think you won’t, you will, so Do. It. Now.). The sooner the better.

Don’t escalate the irritation. Don’t dwell on it. Ignore it and forget it immediately. Don’t even acknowledge it. Think about something else (where have we heard that before?).

I confess, this still takes practice for me, but we’ve already been practicing with our Mental Diet. Keep that diet going.


Note: Kopmeyer’s Thoughts to Build On is out of print. A search revealed you can get an electronic copy in several formats on the Internet Archives Site (consider donating to help keep their site freely accessible, whether you agree with their politics or not). Numerous notable online used bookstores also seem to have copies. Prices vary widely.