Week 2-22 – Nutritive Properties

The part of this week’s lesson that caught my eye was in the lesson intro about nutritive properties.

The life processes are carried on by two distinct methods; first, the taking up and making use of nutritive material necessary for constructing cells; second, breaking down and excreting the waste material.

For the last year and a half, I’ve been learning about essential oils. I have a lot of other things going on, so the process has proceeded by fits and starts. The thing I find most fascinating about essential oils is the chemistry and physics behind them. I’m not a chemist or a physicist, but I’ve had enough classes in both subjects to understand their criticality to how the human body works. In fact, I think quantum physics will be the area where our greatest breakthroughs will be in the near future.

Essential oils affect different people differently. One person may achieve a healthy balance with one combination, while another person achieves a healthy balance with a completely different or slightly altered combination. That’s because the deficiency that’s being balanced is likely different for two different people.

Because of this, I’m researching and experimenting with oils that might work to support areas where I feel I’m deficient. For instance, late last year, I began experiencing terrible tingling in my hands. I figured a nerve was being pinched somewhere in my shoulder while I was sleeping, but that and the tingling indicated to me I might benefit from oils that are known to support neurological systems. There are a number of them, but Young Living has supplements called Sulfurzyme, Super B, and Super C as well as OmegaGize, which are all purported to help support neurological systems — along with several other systems.

I was already taking OmegaGize (fish oil) to help with cardiovascular support. I had also recently began taking Sulfurzyme to support strong fingernails. I thought I was getting enough B vitamins in my morning multivitamin, but maybe not, so I started taking Super B at night. When I noticed my reference guide suggested Super C might work synergistically with the others, I added that to the routine. After a couple of months, I have noticed I am not bothered nearly as much by the tingling in my hands as I had been. I think that routine has assisted with balancing my neurological system to the point where I may need to do just a little more tweaking, but I firmly believe I found the right nutritive material to achieve more optimal cellular construction.

Like the MKE, this is a lifelong journey, and I’m happy I’m making positive progress in creating harmony within my body.

I’m late to post this week. It happens once in a while. I almost forgot to get it in tonight, but I checked a friend’s blog and remembered I needed to do mine!