Week 17 – Twitter Tip

Here’s a Twitter Tip. I know everyone tells you to spend some time engaging on Twitter, but consider what you engagement looks like in the timeline of someone who follows you. Trust me, thirty-give or more individual @ somebody Thanks for following/retweeting/engaging emails in a row from the same person is a near guarantee I’m going to unfollow you. That’s not engagement, it’s follower abuse. This may sound unkind, but it’s not engagement. It’s filling a square for in a rote and repetitious manner.

I have a friend who schedules a repeating round of tweets advertising something she’s selling. No engagement, but the same tweets over and over and over. The only reason I still follow her is because she’s a friend. Were she anyone else, I’d have unfollowed years ago. Og says, “I place my uniqueness on display in the market place. I proclaim it, yea, I sell it. I begin now to accent my differences; hide my similarities. So too I apply this principle to the good I sell. Salesman and goods, different from all others, and proud of the difference.”

Spread your thank you’s out throughout the day or do them in a PM (possible to annoy there, too, so be careful). If you’re retweeting with a personalized comment relevant to the tweet your retweeting? Go for it. Be your unique you.