Week 2-17: Concentrate on What You Want

This week seems like a good time to remind ourselves we each need to concentrate on what you want. Eradicate the thinking about what we don’t want. As MasterKeys Lesson 17 says, ” If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage. If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abundance. If you wish to eliminate sickness, concentrate on health.”

Always concentrate on the idea as an already existing fact. Using this, we need to consider our country is a united, peaceful nation, filled with love and caring. We need to look for and delight in those examples as we find them. There are plenty of examples. Flood the internet with them as they are discovered.

I had an appointment with my surgeon last Friday. I needed to check on a loud crack I’d heard from my knee (both my knees have been replaced) the previous Saturday. Before going, I applied a few drops of Clarity essential oil behind my ears. I wanted clarity in whatever he was going to diagnose, so the oil helped with that. That crack I heard was my kneecap cracking. I’m in an immobilizer brace for the next few weeks at least to allow the kneecap to heal. Can’t get much more clarity than that. I’m focusing on True Health, and it’s all coming together, slowly but surely. This does slow down my yoga participation, though. Grin.