Week 13- Reciprocity

“I promise to give without expectation of reciprocity from the channels I enrich because I know I am in the dynamic flow of giving and receiving.”

This is another one I thought would be easy. After all, I have a few chosen charities I contribute to,  and I expect nothing in return. But wait! There’s more!

Reciprocity isn’t only about monetary donations. What I’ve come to realize for about the last month or so is each time I am irritated or angry because something I’ve freely given isn’t appreciated, that’s an expectation for reciprocity–in the example used, appreciation is being sought in return for whatever action I’ve taken.

Sometimes, what I thought might help isn’t helpful, so why would the person appreciate it? Sometimes, it just needed to be done, and the doing was “reward” enough.

No matter what the right answer is, and I’ve discussed it imperfectly here, I have learned “expectation of reciprocity” has a much broader application than when I first began making the promise several weeks ago.

As I am able to better keep this promise, I will be much happier. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. I always keep my promises.


8 thoughts on “Week 13- Reciprocity”

  1. Hi Jean, yes food for thought on “giving without expectation of reciprocity”. Thanks, you have me thinking on that one. Love your post 🙂

  2. This was a hard one for me last year because I tend to over-do for people then get angry when they take it for granted. Then I realized I was doing it to GET not to GIVE which was humbling. Good post.

  3. I think many of us have encountered the same thoughts at one point or another. I know that I realized this in myself many weeks ago and have improved dramatically through using the mental diet. You will succeed, Jean.

  4. Pingback: Week 13 - Obtainment of Knowledge - Finding Me
  5. This is a lesson I learned a long time ago. I do for others and hope it makes a difference, but the reality of it is I do it for me as an expression of love or caring. What they do with this gift is up to the person you give to. I hope they pay it forward in some way, whether I am there to see it or not.

  6. Thank you so much for this inspiring post, Jean….straight from the heart. I look forward to reading your next post:)

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