Week 17 – Intuition

Haanel talks about intuition this week. What a powerful subject. I have a fictional character who uses intuition to seemingly work magic. This week, Haanel reveals all. In 17-23, we learn

Intuition arrives as conclusions without the aid of experience or memory. Intuition often solves problems that are beyond the grasp of reasoning power. Intuition often comes with a suddenness that is startling; it reveals the truth for which we are searching, so directly that it seems to come from a higher power. Intuition can be cultivated and developed; in order to do this it must be recognized and appreciated; if the intuitive visitor is given a royal welcome when he comes, he will come again; the more cordial the welcome the more frequent his visits will become; but if he is ignored or neglected he will make his visits few and far apart.

Goosebumps. I love this stuff.

Use the silence to coax intuition out. The subconscious is omnipotent. It knows no limits when given permission to act. Your degree of success is determined by the nature of your desire. If the nature of your desire is within Natural Law or the Universal Mind, it will gradually emancipate the mind and give you invincible courage. With each obstacle conquered, your faith grows. Then we get to paragraph 27.

By keeping the thought in mind, it will gradually take tangible form. A definite purpose sets causes in motion which go out in the invisible world and find the material necessary to serve your purpose.

Always concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact. Some basic tips to ensure you get what you want:

  • If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage.
  • If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abundance.
  • If you wish to eliminate disease, concentrate on health.

That’s it. Focus on the positive image opposite of what you don’t want to allow you to develop your intuition in those areas.