Week 2-4 – Today

TODAY I begin a new life.

TODAY I shed my old skin which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity.

TODAY I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all.

TODAY I pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard, for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me, generation upon generation.

TODAY I savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life sprouts within me.

TODAY I begin a new life.

TODAY my old skin has become as dust. I walk tall among men and they know me not, for today I am a new woman, with a new life.

This year, I noticed the emphasis upon TODAY in Scroll 1. This is not coincidental. I’m learning to focus on this day (that the Lord has made).

TODAY, I remember I can attach any feeling I desire to any thought. TODAY, I remember I can instantly replace a negative thought with a positive one. TODAY, I practice these laws and perform amazingly because of practice, because TODAY (and every day) my subconscious works 24-7 to manifest what I plant along with my DMP.

I owe it to my Subby (and, subsequently, myself) to incorporate these laws more fully into my daily life.

Why do I cling to bad feelings? In certain areas, I’m annoyingly stubborn, that’s why. For some reason, there are things in my life I don’t like that I’m unwilling to do what it would take to eliminate them. Some of these things many people would consider highly desirable, yet, because I don’t like them, I resist letting my resentment go to begin choosing to think a positive thought and attach positive feelings. Why? Why do I think it important that I cling to not wanting to do something that is generally so desirable? This is pure craziness. I haven’t wanted to do it in the past. I’ve agreed it’s important for me to do it now. I’ve accepted that on one level, but I’m resisting it on another level. Maybe I feel less valued in some way or taken for granted because I’ve chosen to do it, but in reality, I’m not valued more or less for making this choice. It is what it is. I have no reason to expect it to get better (but maybe I should, because if I apply those laws, maybe it will).

To quit the “vaguebooking, ” I’ll provide a little detail. In the past, I’ve resisted my husband’s annual vacation. I didn’t like the trip. I didn’t want to go, yet my driving contributed to my husband’s safety. If I didn’t go, he’d be driving a rental car around PA with one eye on a laptop GPS and the other on the road (I know this, because before I retired, this was what he would do when I couldn’t get off work to accompany him on this trip). A few years ago, I decided me driving was my gift to him, yet I resented the gift. Not much of a gift if the giver is grouchy about it and gives with a grudging attitude, is it? I did better this year, but when I am honest with myself, I have a long way to go mentally. Too often, I found myself reverting to thinking thoughts that would result in me being grumpy and a less than pleasant companion for my husband.

It’s not too early to begin building good habits for next year. Time to renew my effort with the mental diet and focus on the laws I’ve not been practicing enough. Grapes are on sale this week, too. I better stock up.



Week 3 – The Olive Tree

Last year, I focused on the onion plant in Scroll 1. You know the line: “An onion plant is old in nine weeks. I have lived as an onion plant. It has not pleased me.”

You laughed, right? A year later, I still chuckle when I read this. But this year, I realized something else. Remember the Law of Growth? What I think about grows. What I forget atrophies. 

Maybe I should spend my time focusing on the olive tree. “To create an olive, one hundred years is required.” What does this mean? We’re working for the long haul. 

This process takes more than nine weeks. For anyone looking for a quick fix in your life, remember this. These tools and processes we’re learning are for a lifetime. 

Week 2-2a – The Watchman at the Gate

This subject is too important not to explore more. Paragraph 15 says, “Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will.”

To me, this means what is attributed to “instinct” is learned behavior. If this is true, if our learned behavior is harmful to ourselves or others, we can, using the tools of this course, re-learn new and healthier instinctive behaviors. 

From my experience with a few of the things I’m working on in this course, this may not manifest overnight, but with persistent application of the tools and principles we’re learning, we will manifest the desired changes. 

Paragraph 16 offers further guidance. “The subconscious mind draws just and accurate inferences from premises furnished from outside sources. Where the premise is true, the subconscious mind reaches a faultless conclusion, but, where the premise or suggestion is an error, the whole structure falls. The subconscious mind does not engage in the process of proving. It relies upon the conscious mind, “the watchman at the gate,” to guard it from mistaken impressions.”

This should remind us that our desires must comply with the laws of nature if we want to manifest in a healthy way.

So, in addition to employing repetition for our definite major purpose to manifest “effortlessly,” we must ensure what we are manifesting aligns with the laws of nature. (Paragraph 5 of the Blueprint Builder will help with this.)

Much to contemplate in my sits as I learn to keep Subby manifesting what I want and need. 

Week 2-2 – The World Within

Revisting Haanel, and my thoughts this week focus on week 1, week 2, and The World Within. From week 1, I return to paragraph 35: A majority of mankind lives in the world without; few have found the world within, and yet it is the world within that makes the world without; it is therefore creative and everything which you find in your world without has been created by you in the world within. 

For the parts of my life I don’t like, I was a little miffed to learn this last year; however, I can’t argue with the results. As my world within has gradually changed, I’ve seen the changes manifested in the world without. 

This makes it even easier to see what week 2, paragraph 5 means even more clearly as it applies to putting the principles we’re learning into practice. Paragraph 5 refers to playing a difficult piece on a piano and carrying on a vigorous conversation. While I can see how that might happen for someone–not me for a long, long time–the example that I could apply was learning to ride a bike. You can’t do it under the tutelage of your conscious mind. Sure, whoever was teaching you to ride the bike could tell you what to do, but most of us couldn’t just do it. We had to practice and fall down a few times. Until our subconscious mind learned what we were telling it to do and put all the pieces together and began executing effortlessly, we fell over and skinned our knees. 

I’ve had two knee replacements in the last year. I had to relearn a few things my arthritic knees had, over time, forced me to do wrong. My subconscious is relearning to stand straight, to do stairs “normally”, and how to use my hamstrings and other muscles to stand up from a low seat. I used to do those things effortlessly, then my painful knees forced my Subby to find other ways to keep my body moving. Now, with a little practice, these tasks are becoming effortless again. 

That’s a physical example of the mental changes I’m undergoing in the Master Keys program. As I enter my second year with the training wheels freshly off, I’m still practicing to make it “effortless.”  I’m far from a pro, but I’ve come so far from the beginning. 

Week 2-1 – Committed and Excited for Year Two

I’ve been rolling along with this program for a year now. What a difference a year makes. As I begin my second year, I’m committed to and excited about the process. I’m looking forward to enhancing my learning (I know I’m going to be surprised at how much I missed or just plain forgot over the last year) while I continue to manifest my DMP. The Blueprint Builder is so important to me. Last year, I saw the source of so many of my problems right there in the blueprint building. I was manifesting what I didn’t want!

Recognition of the problem is the key to solving the problem, and that was a big step for me right there. I knew in my gut the problem was all in my head, and the Blueprint Builder showed me early how I could begin getting my head straight.

As I move into the second year, my mastermind partner and I are auditing the course, and we’re both looking forward to finding old friends and new surprises in the material. I’m certain there will be moments of, “Did we really do this last year? I don’t remember this being there.” But, of course, it was. I know there were times when I was overwhelmed or focusing on different areas of the course. Additionally, with the luxury of having completed the whole course, I have a context I didn’t have before, so some things will be enriched. My experiences have added to my perspective as well.

As with last year, we are traveling for the next couple of weeks, so that adds another exciting dimension as well, but I made it through last year’s challenges (any my husband and I were both sick during that time, too). Yes, it seemed as if everything conspired to make the course a challenge to complete, yet I found a way through to the other side.

I’ve made a few changes in my plan. Mostly, I’m adding additional reading. Let’s do this!

Week 49: Effortless?

Have I reached to point of effortlessness? Not really, but I can see it on the horizon.

Year Two is about to start for me, and I’m so excited for the people experiencing this course for the first time. I know it won’t be easy for them. In fact, I imagine some of them have already had second thoughts about even starting this. Already things are becoming overwhelming, and they cannot imagine any of it ever being “effortless.” In fact, the mere thought seems impossible to many of them.

You have got to believe. You must let go and just trust this process. Even when all evidence appears to be gathered to the contrary. Mark and Davene and the MKMMA Team are going to walk you through step-by-step. It will seem crazy. It will seem like you don’t have enough time in the day to do it all. You do. It’s not crazy. Or, if it is, it’s a good kind of crazy. It will all come together, but for right now, push your “I Believe” button like it’s the Staples Easy Button and do your best. You’ll feel clumsy at first. It’s okay. You’ll feel overwhelmed. Don’t give up.

You applied for your scholarship and you earned it. Every one of us from last year paid into the scholarship fund so you could earn this scholarship. We’re excited for you, and we’re all pulling for you, because we know if you keep your promise to yourself, you are going to be amazed at the power you will experience in your lives.

If you’re thinking you can’t do this, just take it one step at a time. Life is going to try to get in your way. It’s going to try very hard to discourage you. Because change is scary, and already your old blueprint feels threatened. It’s found a thousand and one reasons why you shouldn’t do this. From big reasons that seem like they hold water to little reasons like the dog peed on the floor, and this is just one more thing getting in the way from taking care of that. Don’t let a temporary problem get in the way of finding your bliss. You are worth it. You are not alone.

Get to that webbie on Sunday and hang in there all the way through, and, if you have to, get the replay. You’re investing in you, and you are worth every single second it takes.

Oh, and I’ll just tell you, until everything began to manifest, I had to tell myself, “You’re a fiction writer, write the fiction that is your life, and just keep doing it.” Eventually, that fiction began becoming reality. So if it feels like you’re speaking a lie, know that you better make it the best lie you can, because it will become real. Make it good. Someday, effortless will come.

Note to Self: Somewhere you messed up your week count. If the new class begins on Sunday, this must be Week 52. Hmmm.


Week 48 – Year Two Planning, Part Deux

Year Two Planning continues. I like how things are coming together. I keep finding areas that require attention. For instance, there are some passages in Og that have made me uncomfortable. Why? My plan is to highlight those passages as I come across them this year and apply the Law of Dual Thought (I can attach any feeling to any thought. My choice.) to get the discomfort resolved.

I plan to spend more time evaluating Emerson this year. I never quite made it through the reading assigned in a way the made sense to me, so I plan to apply a different approach to study this year. I understand “Give more; get more,” but I didn’t get that from reading the essay.

Oh, and opinions. Wow. I still haven’t gotten a handle on that one. Redouble efforts this year. I’m pretty good with the mental diet, but it always requires attention to make sure I don’t drift.

Then there’s my service card. I think it’s time to step up my game on that. So far, I’ve been picking easy services that won’t strain me much to do. I think it’s time to make my services just a little more complex, because I can handle it. (Well, I’ll be traveling the first two weeks of October, so services will be a challenge then, so they may remain simple during that time.)

I’ll continue my personal makeover efforts, but the design for this year should make that effortless. Wouldn’t that be great? My future self likes this already. Identifying my advisory council will be part of my additional reading and study this year. I have some ideas, but I need to learn more about the candidates for my Inner Sanctuary.

My Mastermind Parter and I have been excited to see these plans come to fruition as we prepare this next phase in our lives. We’re nearly ready. As this year’s class kicks off, we’ll be auditing and looking for new insight as well as all the things we missed the first time around.

Week 48: Window of Opportunity Closing for Another Year

I’m redoubling my efforts not to share opinions, but I will remind you that your window of opportunity to receive a Pay-It-Forward Scholarship and participate in this year’s MasterKey Mastermind Alliance class is closing rapidly. I know it’s not about the money, because you can’t buy the course — last year’s class paid for this year’s class. So it must be about something else. That’s about you, and only you know.

Here’s the link to the first video. Watch and leave a comment that posts to Facebook. Do that for the next two videos as well, then get your scholarship application in. Yes, that does cost you a dollar. Do it now. https://goo.gl/qEdXsk


Week 47: New Course Opening — Limited Time

It’s that time of year! The 2016 Master Key Mastermind Alliance (MKMMA) course is preparing to open, and you can begin the qualification and application process for your Pay-It-Forward Scholarship.

I’d love to have you on my early notification list (over in the top right-hand sidebar), but if you just want to get to the first video, go here: http://goo.gl/QAvwG9 and enter a valid email address. Go. You know you want to.