Year 4, Week 9: Visualization

This week one of our homework assignments was to meditate on 9.15.

15. Visualization is the mechanism of the attachment which you require. Visualization is a very different process from seeing; seeing is physical, and is therefore related to the objective world, the “world without,” but Visualization is a product of the imagination, and is therefore a product of the subjective mind, the “world within.” It therefore possesses vitality; it will grow. The thing visualized will manifest itself in form. The mechanism is perfect; it was created by the Master Architect who “doeth all things well,” but unfortunately sometimes the operator is inexperienced or inefficient, but practice and determination will overcome this defect.

Every step we’ve been taking so far in the course brings us to this point (and further). Visualizing our new reality is the significant key to making it real. If we don’t visualize it, it won’t happen. This is powerful.

Year 4, Week 8: Mental Habits

Mental habits are so significant. That’s what we’re working on here, and four years later, I have made progress in this area but have far to go.

“You may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Any line of thought persisted in cannot fail to produce its result in the character, health, and circumstances of the individual.”

I’m making a huge personal push to dive into mindset and being more conscientious of my thoughts and their impact on life. I’m thankful for several opportunities that have presented themselves in recent weeks to help me focus my studies.

Year 4, Week 7: Blue Rectangles

Blue rectangles represent True Health for me. When I’m at Panera in San Antonio, the wall next to where I usually sit is a blue rectangle.  The pens I write with is (if you consider it carefully) a blue rectangle. The cloth I clean my computer screen with is a blue rectangle. The part near my blue Lightning cable end is a blue rectangle.  I have plenty of reminders for my True Health journey.

What are you seeing for your colors and shapes to remind you of what you need to know?

Year 4, Week 6: Love in My Heart

Each year, Scroll II gets easier for me. I struggled the first year. I think I struggled so much I ignored this scroll in my blog posts the first year.

The second year, my mastermind partner helped me with some suggestions. Truly, my mastermind partner is one of the best things I got from this course. There are so many good things, but she has been a tremendous blessing. She always has insight right when I need it.

Last year, I embraced this scroll, and this year, I didn’t even flinch when I opened to it. For those of you in your first time through the course, I offer this reflection to help you see that sticking with the course, even in a most rudimentary way, can do great things for your long-term personal development. You are worth it. Your life is worth it. Hang in there. It seems chaotic, overwhelming, and a tad frustrating now, but it truly does become easier with time. I had trouble seeing that my first year, and I know some of you are, too. Have faith, my friends. Stay the course.


Year 4, Week 5: Oops!

Okay. That was a bad one. Ask to get put on the blogroll, disappear, and sure enough, people are watching me goof up. What can I say? I screwed up. It’s in the past. I’m back from driving my husband on his three-week vacation (all part of the DMP), and I’m getting settled in at home again. Whew!

Thanks to those of you for sticking with me. For those I’m supposed to be visiting, I apologize, and I’ll be dropping in to see what’s happening on your journey.

I do have an awesome new DMP, and I love reading it.

Year 4, Week 2: The Law of Forgiveness

I thought I’d taken care of the forgiveness things years ago, yet in recent studies I’ve been doing, I’ve come to believe I still have some issues. In my OOLA Planner, it discusses OOLA Blockers, and one of those is Anger, and the emotion of Anger can indicate a need for forgiveness. I’ve been experiencing some Anger-related issues lately, so I’ll be looking to release some things during my sits — or at least be looking for more positive ways of dealing with them.

Year 4, Week 1: So Fresh!

This is always an exciting time in MKE. My first year, this week was very stressful. We take an annual trip every October, and I was very concerned that the trip requirements would result in me being booted from the course before I even began.

I look back on that week and laugh now. Yes, it’s important to be there live if at all possible for the sessions on Sunday. But everyone does understand that sometimes, you have to catch it on the replay. My concern was that I was traveling for the first three weeks of the course and that maybe that wouldn’t be understood. Needless to say, it all worked out, the MasterKey Experience was amazing — but not always pleasant. In fact, I had quite a fight with myself that first year, but I had decided early on to trust the process, and it paid off. There were so many sessions where I was reading my DMP and my Subby was arguing with me the whole time about how this wasn’t going to work, but I persisted (that’s for another month, but it’s still true). Subby still argues, but Subby knows this works.

This part of the Workbook inspires me today, and I will offer if you are new to the program, that this is all worth taking to heart — especially #1.

Key Thoughts and Reminders

  1. This MKMMA course is a process of authentic self-discovery. Self-action will bring success. Our objective is to NOT influence you.
  2. Winners don’t make commitments they don’t plan to keep and keep the commitments they make.
  3. Stay loyal to the exercises.
  4. Notice when your resist – that is the subconscious running your Old Blueprint.
  5. The last hour of each day is crucial. Keep it Sacred.
    1. Whatever you set in motion, continues in motion.
    2. “Scroll 1” makes this same point.
    3. This Habit is the foundation of new blueprints.
  6. No TV, DVDs after reading before bed.
  7. Dig in, dig deep and push yourself to “Do it now.”

Today, I begin a new life. I’m so excited! I have revamped my DMP, and I’m set up for a wild ride. I can’t wait to let Subby go to work!

Year 4 Prep

I’ve decided to audit again this year. This means I’ll be following along with the class, but I may or may not do everything the class does. This is the fourth year for me, and it’s a lifelong journey.

I’m preparing to take another look at my DMP.

I’m looking forward to re-implementing a few basic skills that I’ve allowed to slide.


Are you Ready for Master Key Experience 2018?

Lots and lots of people are seeking the path for their life. They know something isn’t quite right. They may already be involved in a church community (good), and they may be looking into a lot of home-based improvement programs. Those can be good (or not), but they almost all cost a small fortune. Even if you have the money, you don’t want to keep spending it to line these guys’ pockets. At least I don’t.

You know the drill. The three video pitch to lead you to the conclusion you need their product. You click to finally find out the price. You cringe. You wince. You click the button, and yep, another $1500 – 2500. What is it with these people?

If you’ve been following along with me for years, and I know you have been, you know I tout the Master Key Experience around this time every year. Three years ago, I skeptically took a chance on it. I didn’t like that Mark J guy doing the videos on the Hawaiian coastline, always talking about living his dream in Hawaii. I reminded myself, that was HIS dream, not mine, and yeah, it’s cool that he gets to live his dream. I’m living my dream in Central Texas. Give him a pass.

He said it would be hard. He said don’t bother to sign up if you’re not going to do it. He said it was a Pay-It-Forward scholarship paid for by the previous class, so there was no cost. I was suspicious of that one. I KNEW there was going to be a cost, but they wouldn’t talk about it. The only upfront cost was the $1 application fee. But it bugged me. I knew money would come to play, and would I want to afford it when it did.

Let me alleviate your concerns (if you’re like me, you have them). Yes, after about 30 days you will vote on whether to continue the Pay-It-Forward Scholarship or convert the course to a set fee (in the same price range as indicated above, but it will remain free for you,since your scholarship was paid for). If you vote to continue to the Pay-It-Forward Scholarship, you’ll be asked to make some number of payments over the remainder of the course time. There are typically three payment tiers you can choose to make, the lowest is between $70-80. So for five or six payments, you can calculate the least the course will cost you to pay forward for someone else — like someone else did for you last year. I’m sure there’s a reason they’re quiet about these numbers, and these numbers may be different for this year’s class, but I can’t in good conscience recommend the course without mentioning it.

The beauty is, most classes offer a 30-day money back guarantee, but you have to pay money to get money back, and that’s a huge hassle. For this class, you get 30 days into it BEFORE they ask you for any money. You KNOW if you want to continue before you’re asked to pay anything. This is a win for you and a win for them (they don’t have to handle refunds, because there’s nothing to refund).

Since I’ve taken this course, I’ve heard friends recommend so many things that cost from $10 to thousands of dollars, but most of what I’ve seen is encapsulated in the MasterKey Experience for a fraction of the overall cost of the big guys. If you want to determine the path for your life to take from here, start with this course and add other materials later if you want. You will be challenged, but YOU choose your path. You determine what you want from the course. In the beginning, trust the process. It seems a little strange, but you will get results.

Interested? Curious? Get on the Early Notification list to be kept informed. It’s a six-month course beginning September 23, 2018. Click here for a summary and to add yourself to the mailing list for early notification.