Week 2-14 – Victorious

I added a line to my POA card a couple weeks ago. I think I mentioned it in comments. “I skip afternoon snacks and feel victorious!” I can’t begin to tell you how huge this is for me. I am not the least bit hungry, yet I’m in the 3:00 hour, and I feel the mental pull to snack. On something. Anything. I remain VICTORIOUS.

Last year, my journey to health began to feel possible when I implemented “I eat before 8 pm.” It didn’t take long, but that pull to snack after 8 pm and the associated hunger pangs were gently dispensed with by reminding Subby that we eat before 8 pm. I searched for many months for the next step in this journey, and I believe I’ve found it with “I skip afternoon snacks and feel victorious!” (The exclamation point is important.)

In the past, I’ve always felt a need to snack at this time — including hunger pangs. Last summer Young Living released a new product called CitraSlim. I tried a box. I didn’t lose weight, but I noticed I didn’t feel hungry in the afternoon (something I’d already identified as a challenge for me). I stopped taking the product, because it was out of stock, and I noticed I felt hungry in the afternoon. I’m taking this product, and the hunger pangs are just not there. I do remind myself to make sure I eat lunch between 11 and 1:30. Now, I have no mid-afternoon hunger pangs, and it’s all mental. I remind Subby, “I skip afternoon snacks and feel victorious!” This is working. One more step as I manifest my True Health.

Week 2-13 – Acceptance

We’re edging into Week 14, so I’ll take a moment to catch up and talk about Acceptance as I acknowledge my delay in posting. I can’t blame Christmas preparations for my tardiness because we’re very low-key for the holidays. I could mention heating unit troubles at both houses. One minor, but the other will require a system replacement. The replacement was thoroughly expected, but the timing was less than optimal. Thankfully, San Antonio temperatures are expected to be mild for the next few weeks until the January 10th replacement. We’ll be cozy in Central Texas, where a new breaker is soon to be installed, hopefully rendering our downstairs system more capable of handling extreme cold weather.

What does that have to do with thought being a spiritual activity? Perhaps not much, but it has a lot to do with Acceptance. And thoughts are a big part of Acceptance. Whether dealing with heating unit failures on slightly below freezing days (it sounds worse than it was — we have a few small gas heaters we can fire up as needed to maintain comfort) or declining health of loved ones, Acceptance is the first step in not drawing the power of creative thought away from achieving what is desired.

To keep the Law of Growth in play, one must remember that what one think about grows, and what one forgets atrophies. Without exception. This doesn’t mean I deny the need to replace my HVAC system. It means I accept the situation and take responsibility for fixing it and moving on. I focus my attention on positive things (we no longer have to wonder if we have to call the service people each time we enter the house after being away; this is one step in preparing the house for sale; the system is certain to be more efficient; thankful my checkbook is in a positive place to handle this untimely expense, etc).

Compared to loved ones’ declining health, HVAC replacement is a cinch. Yet, the loved ones in concern have both achieved health improvements this year, and I’m thankful. To me, these health situations, to a certain extent, required Acceptance. The universe is as it should be. I can’t change it. I must accept it. I take Responsibility for my situation. I don’t blame anyone, and I seek the opportunity the situation presents. Then, I must remain Defenseless. This is challenging for me, yet the power of spiritual thought is key. With practice, one can tap into the Universal Mind, and discover the opportunity present in any situation. With practice, one can learn to tap into the power of the Universal Mind to capitalize on the opportunity one discovers.

I’m feeling my way cautiously here. I experience much trial and error, but I persist until I succeed. Inexplicable things are beginning to happen in my life, so I know applying these principles we learn is paying off. I persist until I succeed.


Week 2-12 – Knowledge Does Not Apply Itself

As I prepare for 2017, I’m working through the questions in my Tools4Wisdom planner. They start with the Big Picture — “Where am I now?”, “Where do I want to be?”, and “How do I get there?”. I know certain things, but I can attest that knowledge does not apply itself. If it did, I’d be healthy, wealthy, and wise, right?

I’m passable in all those areas — better than I ever expected in some of them, but I have room for improvement everywhere. That’s why I’m looking over what I want to do, where I want to be, and am deciding how I’m going to get there. Because, as we know, it’s very important to be specific with Subby. I hit a home run with “I eat before 8 pm” last year. That was a great start. Snacking after 9 pm accounted for a lot of extra calories. They say if you cut 500 calories a day, you’ll lose a pound a week. But “cutting” calories is a negative, and we want Subby to experience positive language, right? “I eat before 8 pm.” has been incredibly positive. Since I added that to my POA card, I have done well with that goal. It’s easy. It was challenging to apply that knowledge for the first couple of months, but since then, I gently remind myself that “I eat before 8pm” and my mind and body say, “Oh. Yeah. That’s right. Never mind.”

I’m looking for equally positive ways to implement other plans to lessen food’s place in my life. I’m toying with “500 calories to spare” on my LoseIt! daily tracker. If I eat 500 calories less than LoseIt! says I should eat to achieve my goal, I should achieve it faster, right? On the other hand, I could set the program to achieve the goal I want and stick to it, right?  You see, it’s not just knowledge but the right kind of knowledge I’m working to apply.

The same is true for my fiction revision project. It’s sitting on the table behind me, avoiding being worked on. I’ve let the project intimidate me. I’m doing a lot of Sits on this, visualizing me completing the project with confidence and skill. But visualizing only goes so far. I have to do the work.

Week 2-11 – Forget It!

M. R. Kopmeyer is solidly the second member of my Council. Thoughts to Build On is such a valuable supplement to this course. Each chapter is short and pertinent to everything we’re studying. The terminology is even consistent. One of my readings this week was titled, “Forget It.”

The lesson? When something annoys you, don’t dwell on it. Forget it right away. The theory behind this is, you’re going to forget it eventually, why not do it now? Don’t spend even a moment of your precious time dwelling on something that needs to be forgotten and let go.

You’ve heard the tagline for the disaster clean up people, right? “Like it Never Even Happened.” That’s why we need to make annoyances that we’re going to eventually forget about anyway disappear (even if you think you won’t, you will, so Do. It. Now.). The sooner the better.

Don’t escalate the irritation. Don’t dwell on it. Ignore it and forget it immediately. Don’t even acknowledge it. Think about something else (where have we heard that before?).

I confess, this still takes practice for me, but we’ve already been practicing with our Mental Diet. Keep that diet going.


Note: Kopmeyer’s Thoughts to Build On is out of print. A search revealed you can get an electronic copy in several formats on the Internet Archives Site (consider donating to help keep their site freely accessible, whether you agree with their politics or not). Numerous notable online used bookstores also seem to have copies. Prices vary widely.

Week 2-10 – I Persist Until I Succeed

We began Scroll Three this week — I persist until I succeed. Last year, I struggled with “I greet this day with love in my heart.” We’ve just finished Scroll Two, and you know it’s all about love in our hearts. I’m pleased to report that persistence on greeting each day with love in my heart is paying off. I have improved in this area. The journey continues, but progress is in the right direction.

Persisting is one of my strong points. Good thing, too, because I have so many areas where I fail in nearly every category except persistence. I persist until I succeed.

Week 2-9: Manifesting My DMP

My DMP has been manifesting nicely. One aspect is my work with feral cats. If you follow my main blog, you know I’ve been working toward catching Zelda to get her spayed. I know Zelda is the mama cat for Sapphire, Nick, and Daisy. I’ve begun to suspect she’s the mama cat for Walter and Junior. Daisy is from her latest litter, which, based upon game camera photos, was born September 30 (Zelda was absent from the camera that day).

I knew I had to get Zelda captured and in to be spayed before she had yet another litter, but we didn’t want to leave any unweaned kittens. Trying to catch her over Thanksgiving weekend wasn’t going to be good, because my veterinarian and staff were closed to enjoy the holiday. That meant Monday, November 28, was the day to begin in earnest attempting to trap Zelda and Nick.

I put the trap on the porch on Sunday to familiarize them with it. Monday morning, I stepped outside with a newspaper and a can of Fancy Feast, Nick and Zelda’s favorite. Nick and Zelda watched me set up and bait the trap. Zelda started eating her way in but backed out. Nick took her place, and (as I expected) he quickly trapped himself. Zelda watched. I covered the trap and headed for the veterinary clinic. They got Nick captured and checked in for his health check, neutering, and vaccinations. I took the trap and returned home. I walked back onto the porch with the trap and the rest of my can of Fancy Feast. Zelda watched me set it up, then she cautiously began eating, then backed out. She worked her way in and backed out. I went back into the house, and no sooner had I stepped into the parlor than I heard the trap trip. I covered it up and took Zelda to the clinic.

I have never had such an easy time trapping cats as I did yesterday, but it happened just as I’d visualized it.

Later in the afternoon, I saw Boomer on the porch. Was this too good to be true? I’ve been trying to catch this cat for two years, and last month he’d inexplicably began letting me pet him while he ate Fancy Feast. I grabbed a carrier and went outside to pet him while he ate, then I gently but firmly scruffed him and tucked him into the carrier. I took him to the clinic. The sad news is Boomer tested positive for feline leukemia and FIV. I expected this, because this poor kitty had been so clearly ill for some time, so I stayed with him while he was put down.

Nick, thankfully, at six months old, passed his FIV test, was neutered earlier in the afternoon, got his vaccinations, and he was ready to come home. The clinic staff put him into the carrier, and we came home. I released Nick to take care of his little sister last night while I await the fate of Zelda today. Nick and Daisy spent last night with each other on their first night without their mama. It’s mid-afternoon, and I’ve not heard from the clinic yet. I’m operating on the “no news is good news” theory that, since I didn’t have a phone call from them, that Zelda passed her FIV test, too. It could be the clinic got really busy today, and she hasn’t been tested yet, so until I get good news, I’m apprehensive.

I have (had) five cats in my colony. Walter has been neutered for three years and is well. Daisy is too young yet, but she seems healthy. I needed to catch Boomer (already suspecting he wouldn’t make it), Zelda, and Nick. That manifested perfectly yesterday. I now know I have a healthy outdoor cat colony. Walter, Nick, and Daisy for sure. I have high hopes for Zelda. I dearly want her to be able to enjoy her “retirement” from having kittens.

Zelda, Daisy, Nick


Four is a comfortable size for my immediate neighborhood. There are some down the street who venture to my feeder, and at some point, I may work with the man where these cats live to get them spayed or neutered to stop the explosive growth, but for now, my colony is safe and protected. That had to be my first priority.

Week 2-5 – First Virtual Council Member

I’m interviewing candidates for my Virtual Council. Most of the candidates are no longer living (or I do not know them personally or have easy access to them), so I’m “interviewing” them via biographies or autobiographies. I want members to support the scrolls and the Master Keys. Readers should not be too surprised to discover my first candidate is Og Mandino. If you’re in your first year of the course, you’ll be learning Mr. Mandino’s surprising history soon. If you’ve been around the MKE Experience longer, you already know. For the interview, I chose Og Mandino’s A Better Way to Live. In this book, Mr. Mandino offers a brief history of his struggles before he achieved success and also includes 17 principles to live by (don’t worry, you aren’t missing anything — the essence of these principles has already been incorporated into the Master Key course; however, I found the commentary accompanying each principle complementary to what we’re learning. I’m jotting each of these principles onto my index cards and adding them to my stacks.

Mr. Mandino is, most definitely, on my Virtual Council.

Week 2-4 – Today

TODAY I begin a new life.

TODAY I shed my old skin which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity.

TODAY I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all.

TODAY I pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard, for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me, generation upon generation.

TODAY I savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life sprouts within me.

TODAY I begin a new life.

TODAY my old skin has become as dust. I walk tall among men and they know me not, for today I am a new woman, with a new life.

This year, I noticed the emphasis upon TODAY in Scroll 1. This is not coincidental. I’m learning to focus on this day (that the Lord has made).

TODAY, I remember I can attach any feeling I desire to any thought. TODAY, I remember I can instantly replace a negative thought with a positive one. TODAY, I practice these laws and perform amazingly because of practice, because TODAY (and every day) my subconscious works 24-7 to manifest what I plant along with my DMP.

I owe it to my Subby (and, subsequently, myself) to incorporate these laws more fully into my daily life.

Why do I cling to bad feelings? In certain areas, I’m annoyingly stubborn, that’s why. For some reason, there are things in my life I don’t like that I’m unwilling to do what it would take to eliminate them. Some of these things many people would consider highly desirable, yet, because I don’t like them, I resist letting my resentment go to begin choosing to think a positive thought and attach positive feelings. Why? Why do I think it important that I cling to not wanting to do something that is generally so desirable? This is pure craziness. I haven’t wanted to do it in the past. I’ve agreed it’s important for me to do it now. I’ve accepted that on one level, but I’m resisting it on another level. Maybe I feel less valued in some way or taken for granted because I’ve chosen to do it, but in reality, I’m not valued more or less for making this choice. It is what it is. I have no reason to expect it to get better (but maybe I should, because if I apply those laws, maybe it will).

To quit the “vaguebooking, ” I’ll provide a little detail. In the past, I’ve resisted my husband’s annual vacation. I didn’t like the trip. I didn’t want to go, yet my driving contributed to my husband’s safety. If I didn’t go, he’d be driving a rental car around PA with one eye on a laptop GPS and the other on the road (I know this, because before I retired, this was what he would do when I couldn’t get off work to accompany him on this trip). A few years ago, I decided me driving was my gift to him, yet I resented the gift. Not much of a gift if the giver is grouchy about it and gives with a grudging attitude, is it? I did better this year, but when I am honest with myself, I have a long way to go mentally. Too often, I found myself reverting to thinking thoughts that would result in me being grumpy and a less than pleasant companion for my husband.

It’s not too early to begin building good habits for next year. Time to renew my effort with the mental diet and focus on the laws I’ve not been practicing enough. Grapes are on sale this week, too. I better stock up.



Week 2-1 – Committed and Excited for Year Two

I’ve been rolling along with this program for a year now. What a difference a year makes. As I begin my second year, I’m committed to and excited about the process. I’m looking forward to enhancing my learning (I know I’m going to be surprised at how much I missed or just plain forgot over the last year) while I continue to manifest my DMP. The Blueprint Builder is so important to me. Last year, I saw the source of so many of my problems right there in the blueprint building. I was manifesting what I didn’t want!

Recognition of the problem is the key to solving the problem, and that was a big step for me right there. I knew in my gut the problem was all in my head, and the Blueprint Builder showed me early how I could begin getting my head straight.

As I move into the second year, my mastermind partner and I are auditing the course, and we’re both looking forward to finding old friends and new surprises in the material. I’m certain there will be moments of, “Did we really do this last year? I don’t remember this being there.” But, of course, it was. I know there were times when I was overwhelmed or focusing on different areas of the course. Additionally, with the luxury of having completed the whole course, I have a context I didn’t have before, so some things will be enriched. My experiences have added to my perspective as well.

As with last year, we are traveling for the next couple of weeks, so that adds another exciting dimension as well, but I made it through last year’s challenges (any my husband and I were both sick during that time, too). Yes, it seemed as if everything conspired to make the course a challenge to complete, yet I found a way through to the other side.

I’ve made a few changes in my plan. Mostly, I’m adding additional reading. Let’s do this!