Week 10-Hey! Wait A Minute

Most of you don’t know this, but I have eight indoor cats. How is that relevant, you ask? Well, it turns out at least one of them thinks I should have discussed my Movie Poster with him or her.

I included a page of a view outside an Amtrak train window on my poster, because we take long distance train trips planned jointly with my husband every year or two. We enjoy this, so, naturally, it’s part of my movie.

The cats go to boarding school during those trips. Somebody has taken it upon themself to “apply the knowledge” and begin to remove that picture from my poster. Apparently felines have DMPs, too, and mine is at cross-purposes with theirs.

In other news, since I’ve begun using the affirmation “Rossie is whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy,” she has begun to emerge from her hiding place under the rocker (nearly three years) and seek our companionship.

Have any of your pets responded to the program in any unexpected ways?

Week 9-Discord

The Master Keys are a treasure chest of value this week (every week?).  I’m looking at 9-9. “Every action which is not in harmony with Truth, whether through ignorance or design, will result in discord, and eventual loss in proportion to its extent and character.”

This is how bad things happen to good people.

9-15 reveals the way. “Visualization is the mechanism…. The mechanism is perfect; it was created by the Master Architect who “forth all things well,” but unfortunately sometimes the operator is inexperienced or inefficient, but practice and determination will overcome this defect.”

I’m at a point where I know I’ve been clumsy in implementing visualization and harmonizing with Truth. I’m encouraged to know anybody can improve with practice and determination.

Week 9-A Gift

I’m focusing on the Master Keys, Week 9, paragraphs 24-25.

24. I built up an affirmation for myself, taking the qualities I most needed, and affirming for myself over and over again, “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.” I kept up this affirmation, always the same, never varying, till I could wake up in the night and find myself repeating, “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.” It was the last thing on my lips at night and the first thing in the morning.

25. Not only did I affirm it for myself, but for others that I knew needed it. I want to emphasize this point. Whatever you desire for yourself, affirm it for others, and it will help you both. We reap what we sow. If we send out thoughts of love and health, they return to us like bread cast upon the waters; but if we send out thoughts of fear, worry, jealousy, anger, hate, etc., we will reap the results in our own lives.

I do this not only for myself but everyone I know as I am going to sleep at night and at other times. Try it. It can’t hurt, and it’s likely to help.

Week 9-Excision

You know how when you have a festering wound you need to clean out the junk and purify it before the healing can begin?

I hope what I’ve been feeling today has been that festering wound getting all the junk pulled out so the healing can begin. I will not have another dirge reading tonight, I’m still feeling most unsettled.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. Still trying to get that to roll off my tongue–for me as well as those I care for.

Week 9-The Wall?

Whether we’re talking the Pink Floyd song or marathons, I think I found the Wall this week. I’ve run marathons, and the Wall is real. I feel as if I’ve hit it pretty early in a six month course. Indicative of just how out of shape I was to begin this race.six month course. Indicative of just how out of shape I was to begin this race.

Last night’s readings were another dirge (regular readers will recall I had a dirge reading a few weeks ago, too). I felt discouraged.

Whenever I feel discouraged, I’m reminded of a quote from Medal of Honor winner, Captain Roger Donlon (paraphrased), “Discouragement is the tool of the Devil.” I heard that when Colonel (retired) Donlon spoke to my Squadron Officer School class. I desperately needed to hear it at the time, and periodically, I need to remember those words. In the context of this class, it means “you’re doing it wrong” or, more likely, the Old Blueprint is fighting back.

Old Blueprint must be about to die, because he’s fighting for his life this week. One bright spot in my fight to evade despair? Shirley contacted me about forming our Mastermind Alliance. Even brighter, because before I saw her note, I’d decided to contact her. Not inexplicable but still very cool!die, because he’s fighting for his life this week. One bright spot in my fight to evade despair? Shirley contacted me about forming our Mastermind Alliance. Even brighter, because before I saw her note, I’d decided to contact her. Not inexplicable but still very cool!

Week 8-Deconstructing A Battleship

This is, of course, a fictitious battleship. I have toured the Alabama, Texas, and Wisconsin, so I have a vague idea (it’s been a few years, so my memory is fuzzy). My future self and the current crew of the battleship have been a tremendous help.

I’ve taken it down to scrap twice now, but the process to getting there is evolving. I may need to set the timer for longer tonight, because it’s getting more involved.

You, see, the crew, my future self, and I decided we wanted to use the components of this battle ship to help veterans help themselves. Certain aspects of the battleship are auctioned off to raise money for this project. Other components are removed and reinstalled in a land-based entity run for and by veterans. The kitchen equipment, for instance, powers restaurants called “The Wardroom” and “The Galley.” A legititmate veterans organization with a low overhead owns and operates them with veteran expertise as trainers and rehabilitators teaching veterans skills to either get a job or start a business of their own and continue to be self-supporting. The same goes for the other departments on the ship. The machine shop is repurposed in the same way.

I hope you can see where this is going. This battleship has defended America for many years. Now she is helping her previous crews and their brothers reintegrate into American society in productive, participative ways.

If you’re participating in this exercise, how is it manifesting for you?

Week 8-Battleships and Future Self

Yes, the Sit this week involves deconstructing battleships. Last week’s involved talking with a friend — I chose my Future Self as my friend, because apparently we tend to procrastinate about things that are good for us because we see our Future Selves as a Stranger. Last week, I fixed that. Tonight, on our way into the restaurant for dinner, I caught a glimpse of my Future Self in my shadow. I was comforted to know that my friend was with us.

Last night, I envisioned a battleship, then began deconstructing it, going from a full ship and taking it apart piece by piece. Tonight, I’m going to enlist not only my Future Self but the crew of that battleship in deconstructing it.

My dreams are becoming more vivid. I believe this is directly related to the line in my DMP that reads, “Ideas fill my mind, clamoring to be transferred to the page.” Either that or we’re getting a hound dog soon. He talks. His name is Bill.

Week 8-Good vs Evil

Haanel’s intro to Part 8 this week is eye-opening.

There is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of Power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the result of our action, or our compliance with this law.

The importance of this is illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony, Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and inharmony.

There are two more relevant paragraphs, but I hesitate to make too long a quote. In essence, hate nothing, not even the “bad” because that will bring the bad to us. What an excellent example of the Law of Growth – What I think about grows and what I forget atrophies without exception.

What do you love? Focus on that. Manifest that. What do you hate? Forgeddaboudit.  “All hate is let from my veins for I have not time to hate, only time for love. ” (Mandino, Og, The Greatest Salesman in the World, p. 62.)

What do you want to manifest in your life?

Week 8-Quality Laundromat Time

The San Antonio dryer is on the blink, probably a bad motor, but hubby won’t simply call a repairman and get it done, so I’m at the laundromat down the street. In Central Texas, our neighbor is an appliance repairman, so I can sometimes convince hubby he’s supporting a local businessman by calling, but no such luck in SA.

This laundromat is attended, so the machines work, it’s well-lighted, and relatively clean. Getting change was a pleasure. This has been a year of dying appliances, so I’ve spent a few stints at the laundromat. I don’t mind it. Plenty of time to take care of little administrative chores.

I’m on Day 2 of the Mental Diet. I restarted on Saturday. One of my preferred Substitution thoughts is repeating “I love you” as often as necessary.

I did my first read of Master Keys 8 this morning. This is getting more and more interesting. I was a little concerned about deconstructing a battleship during this week’s sit, but now that I’ve read the process, I’m intrigued.

I finished my Movie Posters last night. I did one as a blue rectangle and the other as a yellow square, because those are the shapes/colors I’ve chosen for my Personsal Pivotal Needs (PPNs).

blue rectangle movie poster
yellow square movie poster I reworked my DMP last night. Nothing major, just a little refinement. I’ll be re-recording my audio at some point to align it.

Mostly in the flow of things.