Post-Op Day 1
Still nothing I’d really call pain. My eyes are tearing like crazy, causing my nose to run. I feel a slight stinging. If this is the worst there is, I have to ask, “What’s the fuss?”
My vision is particularly blurry today, but that’s not unexpected either. I believe I may have some swelling around the eyes (not unexpected either), so I may ice them down tonight.
My initial post-op appointment went quickly today. It took us longer to find a parking spot than the appointment took. Everything is fine. The tearing is from debris build up. I’m to continue flushing with Refresh drops. The eye chart was blurry, but I could read some of it. As I recall, it was the chart they said they used to gauge 20/40 vision (what’s legal to drive without corrective lenses with), so I hope it’s nice and clear by Friday.