The Eyes and Twilight
TECH, before the surgery, my vision was correctable to 20/15, and my doctor’s goal, although he cannot guarantee it, is to correct my vision with the PRK to my “best correctable vision for me.” In my case, our goal is 20/15. It will be several months, possibly two years before we will know if this was, in fact, achievable. Over the next two to three months, my vision will stabilize more, and after that, it should continue to improve in ever smaller increments until it stabilizes.
On the ride home with my co-worker tonight, we discussed what I was observing about my night vision, and I’ve decided I could drive if I had to, but I’m going to try to avoid it for the next couple weeks and give my vision a chance to stabilize more. It’s improved significantly from last week, and I believe it will continue to do so.
I must pick up a pair of reading glasses. I had bi-focals before the procedure, and the procedure is not able to change that requirement. In fact, my ultra-near vision is worse than it was before the surgery. It’s strange to try to trim fingernails when they just aren’t clearly defined, for example. I hope that will also improve some. The doc said my near vision would degenerate faster than without the surgery, but I don’t think he meant this dramatically permanently. Or maybe he did. Since it has improved incrementally over the last couple days, I think it will continue to do so. Reading is still a bit difficult, and I think I have enough stability to choose an appropriate pair of glasses–my prescription was for +1.25 (just up from what I called my trainer bifocals of +1.00), but my eye doc cautioned me that I might need more than that after the surgery, so I’ll see what I can find tomorrow. I. Must. Read. That was the worst part about last week (well after the nagging, irrational fear that I may have voluntarily blinded myself).
And Twilight. I’m going to shuffle papers on it tonight to refresh my memory about where I left off with it and maybe start work in the morning before it gets light enough to drive to work–half an hour at a minimum ought to work for starters. I’m going to miss working on Threads & Ties for awhile, but I’m more anxious to get back to work on this one.