HomeHealthPotatoes & Hitch Extensions


Potatoes & Hitch Extensions — 3 Comments

  1. I just re-read this after a decent night’s sleep. I tow the motorcyle behind my truck when I’m moving from one place to another. Between geographic moves, I ride the motorcyle. The way I wrote it, it sounds as if I only have the motorcycle to tow behind the truck, or worse, I envisioned me dragging it around personally. (Yeah, that was a fun image.) Sheesh. That’s why we do revisions.

  2. I was just thinking that the military really does build strong backs as I don’t think I could tow even a bicycle … 🙂 But now you have explained it. Sigh. A bit of whimsy crushed by the hard truth.

  3. I got what you meant the first time. The revision was confusing. Thanks for the input.