HomeHealthThe Big “M”


The Big “M” — 5 Comments

  1. *L* I was just talking about weight gain with my gym partner today. I’ve gained 25 lbs since we left Langley in 2000. If I live the normal life expectancy and continue to gain 5 lbs a year, I’ll be pushing 400 by the time I die! 😉 I’ll be back to look for websites so hopefully somebody will come through.

  2. My mom’s introduction to menopause started this winter with massive anxiety attacks. Which was interesting, since I expected the anxiety attacks to happen the year before when her only son was going off to Afghanistan and her youngest daughter was getting married and having a baby.

    We women are funny things!

  3. Smaller, more frequent meals are the way to go. Diabetics (like me) use this strategy to help even out blood sugars. It helps keep your body in more of a steady state, rather then bouncing from hungry to full and back again.

  4. And then there’s the *minor* issue of PERImenopause, that I’d never heard of. I started having massive pms symptoms (unusual for me) about eight years ago, saw the doc, and he says “perimenopause*. What the heck is that? It’s my body preparing for menopause. Oh, great. JUST what I needed… Doing the hot flush thing, but still not truly menopausal. Gotta love it…