

Villainy — 4 Comments

  1. What set of questions are you working through? Don Maass’ Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook? Or something else I should know about?!

  2. Nothing so lofty as Maass. These are questions and observations I’ve noted for myself. In this instance, they are questions I have about my villain as I try to get to know him better and understand his motivations. He was very cardboard and there were aspects of him that would make a reader wonder why the heck he was doing what he was doing. I had a general idea but really didn’t know why or what was driving him.

    I did the same thing for PBOTL based upon the comments that came back from my trusted reader, but those questions have a broader base than the set I’m working on for Merlin in Twilight.

    I should have done all this during worldbuilding, but I didn’t know how. I don’t know for sure now, but I have a better feel for what I’m looking for in this character.

  3. I’m with you there. I do what I can ahead of time, but it’s not till I really see the shape of the story that I see what ELSE the villain really needs. Heck, this story wasn’t even supposed to HAVE a villain. The pull of two different cultures and religions in this romantic fantasy was supposed to be more than enough. How could I know her former lover was going to keep cropping up? :O

  4. Even with restraining orders, those former lovers have a way of showing up where they aren’t supposed to.