HomeWorkLife and Living It.


Life and Living It. — 6 Comments

  1. I hear you, Jean. I’m going through quite a bit too, as far as life decisions and changes, but hesitate to expose it in my blog. I worry about the too much info effect and the fact that I don’t feel I have the following to get away with revealing whatever.

    But this summer has been tough and the words tougher. Much rethinking is needed.

  2. I think it’s good to reassess your life every now and then. Priorities change as we grow and progress along our life’s path. Trying to maintain a life that doesn’t fulfill you is damaging. Figuring out what you want is often easier than making it happen.

    Good luck to you and Monica. I hope for a good outcome for both of you.

  3. I’m doing some re-assessing too, what with hubby gone now for days at a time. I’m certainly seeing that I could use my evenings more productively! 😉 It seems like I need a few more friends than I now have, as well. Like you, it’s time to make a plan.

  4. What is it they say about the unexamined life? Like Carter says, it’s a good thing to do periodically. Hope it goes well for everyone engaged in the process now.

  5. Me, too. 🙂 I need to create more time, somewhere, and set aside some for myself. Good luck on your journey. If you have any tips and discoveries along the way, please share them!

  6. Good luck with your reassessment, Jean. There must be something in the air. I’ve been thinking about the changes I want to make once we’ve moved. My life has been way out of balance for several years and now I have the resources to fix that. I just have to figure out exactly where to make the changes. 🙂