HomeWritingTwilightTwilight Update


Twilight Update — 4 Comments

  1. Wow, sounds like you accomplished a lot.
    I find beginnings of novels the hardest. Gotta intriduce the conflict, characters, hook the readers etc. Not easy.
    I’ve even heard some writers say that they leave the writing of the first chapter until they’re done the novel.
    Clearly not an easy task, but sounds like you know what you want and how to get it done.

  2. I credit NaNoWriMo for making it easy to begin the two drafts I’ve completed. The third one that I have the synopsis built for, I credit frustration with not being able to see anything but my computer screen after my PRK surgery and just “having” to accomplish something in the writing arena. It will probably be this year’s NaNo novel.

    Conflict and stakes are my current challenges. I will get it figured out–somehow. So, no, I don’t quite have it figured out yet, but I have to start somewhere! 🙂

  3. Yay, Jean! 🙂 Having a plan of attack is a Very Important Step. Looking forward to hearing more about *the novel* as it continues to take form.