Cross-Topic Blogging
Demented Michelle has a very non-demented article up over at Romancing the Blog about “Marketing Via Cross-Topic Blogging.”
She suggests blogging on a variety of subjects can be an effective marketing tool for writers. Instead of attracting only people interested in the art and science of writing (not, typically, your average reader), by blogging on the other things in your life that interest you, other people will find your blog and become avid readers. Then, when you publish, they’re more likely to be receptive to reading your work.
Ya know…that makes sense to me. What are your thoughts?
Using Michelle’s suggestion, what are some of my interests? (Outside of writing, my full-time military profession, the weather, and the Spurs)
– Reading
– Collecting antique books (typically from the mid to late 1800s related to Abraham Lincoln or the American Civil War)
– Collecting Bakewell and Pears thumbprint glass (originally produced in the mid-to-late 1800s)
– Collecting reproduction thumbprint glass (typically made by Fenton from the late 1950s to the late 1980s–and perhaps a bit beyond)
– Photography
– Computers
– Web work (although you’d never know it from our very stagnant website)
– Our pets
– Our ranch
– Turn of the century (20th) American oak furniture (and, for hubby, Eastlake walnut–the two styles really can co-exist in one home)
– Tracking down parts for hubby’s 1946 Mercury automobiles
– Keeping our 1950’s era Jeeps running
– Cataloging the wildlife on our ranch (80 acres of trees and 20 acres of hayfield), but, preferably, not waking up with it snuggled up next to me (yes, the snakes seem to think they would make excellent housepets; we keep suggesting they stay outside–even if they do use the bathroom for its intended purpose)
– motorcycle riding (less and less)
– I’m trying to generate enthusiasm for bicycle riding now that my knees are shot and I can’t run–not having much luck there
Would hearing more about any of those things in this blog be interesting to any of you? If so, I’ll look into expanding my “Non-Writing Stuff” category.
While I’m waiting, Hershey says, “It’s time for my walk. Leave that computer alone and spend some time with ME.” Guess I better go…
I think a varied blog is just more interesting. If you know when you go to someone’s blog what they’re going to talk about, it can get to be kind of ho-hum. But if you’re never sure what the topic of the day will be, then you’re more likely to visit, just to find out. 🙂
Recumbent or semi-recumbent stationary bikes are awesome. I think the gym membership fee is worth it just for that.
I’d love to hear more about your ranch, and reading, and I love stories about pets, oooh, and photography too.