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Spam Plug-Ins — 2 Comments

  1. I know nothing about how they work (hey, I finally got up the nerve to play around in my sidebar) – Bekke does all the care and feeding of my blog in that regard, but I know she was very excited about the Bad Behavior plug-in.

  2. I think my skyrocketing bandwidth usage has plummeted (1/2 and back to pre-spam levels). After Spam Karma2, I had a couple spams (all caught by Spam Karma 2). Since then…nothing. Is it a lull in onslaught, or has the One-Two punch killed spam for now?

    (NOTE: I have an incredible amount of bandwidth included with my basic hosting package, but some people aren’t so fortunate. Bandwidth isn’t, per se, a concern of mine, but why waste it on this crud?)