HomeTech StuffiPod Nano


iPod Nano — 3 Comments

  1. Now that’s how I’d like to get an mp3 player, find it on the street. That’s probably the only way I’ll get one. A lucky find, though I’m surprised you didn’t keep the rap/pop on there just to broaden your horizons 😉 I’ve listened to some of the stuff my kids like and it’s very…. well, popular I guess.

    I’m a huge fan of the continuous shuffle, so I probably wouldn’t even bother with the screen.

  2. I saved them to my hard drive just in case I have a 20-something character I need some music for someday. James Brown’s “I Feel Good” was on there–I already had that from a 70’s collection. He had a couple more that weren’t too far out. There were several with titles I wouldn’t print in this blog, though (but I would put them in a book).