HomeWeb StuffSomethin’ Don’t Sound Right Ta’ Me


Somethin’ Don’t Sound Right Ta’ Me — 2 Comments

  1. I don’t know what cable provider you have, but the techs on mine appear to be trained to never admit anything could be their equipment or service. One tech hung up on me because he told me technical gobbledygook that was flat out wrong. Sorry, you can’t change the laws of physics just to suit your preference for pretending nothing on your end never goes wrong. So, I live with horrible service and if I have the option, I’ll get DSL over cable when I can. At least the phone company tried to help when I had trouble with their service in the past. But we’re a bit too far from the box and they keep promising, but not delivering, on putting in the equipment so we can get DSL. (sigh) Maybe now that ATT has taken over Southern Bell, they’ll come through on the promise. (HA!)

  2. I hope everything is working again for you. Sounds like an icky day. We are so dependent on our new toys! Just think back to what we did without when we were kids. Like prehistoric times, eh?

    I hated DSL because it was slower than my cable modem and the speed varies.

    But thanks for the story, you have tipped me against the cable phone line. My Internet is out to much too have to deal with that too!