HomeHealthPRK. One Year Later.


PRK. One Year Later. — 5 Comments

  1. We’ve talked about me having the procedure done. I’m horribly near sighted – I literally walk into walls if I’m not wearing my glasses – but I’ve worried if it would be much use at my age (41). So, thanks!

    Do you have any other insights, tips, etc?

  2. Click the “Health” category for my PRK updates (there’s other aging stuff mixed in there–feel free to ignore or laugh as you see fit). I’ll sift through them and put together a “One year after how do I feel about having the procedure done” post over the next week or so, because there have been ups and downs about it, and people who are thinking about it should know at least one person’s opinion as they weigh the decision.

  3. Hey all,

    I just had PRK done today on both of my eyes (not really supposed to be on the puter right now, but as long as I blink every few seconds I am fine). The procedure was painless and the worst part was the cold water they put on your eyes after the laser is done (you don’t feel it on your eyes, only when it runs down your face, LOL). I was about 20/40 uncorrected in both eyes prior to the surgery, and I am about the same now 7 hours later. I must say that when I close my eyes for a few minutes and then open them, I have a second or two where everything is coming in crystal clear. I am very excited about this and it seems as if everything went well today. I got both eyes Custom Vue PRK done for only 2200 (for both eyes, not each). I am experiencing some discomfort in my eyes (not pain), as it feels as if I have an eyelash in my eyes. The best part is my doc said my vision will only improve from here and it should be noticiable once the contacts are removed. I will check back to let you all know how things turn out.

  4. Anthony,
    That “eyelash” like feeling you’re experiencing is probably the bandage contact.

    Glad you’ve had such a positive experience. Do good aftercare, and everything should be fine.