Gone Huntin'
Hubby comes to town tomorrow (ya’ll may recall I said I was taking care of that “last kissed” thing on the 28th, don’cha?), and we’re off galavantin’ around the country together. Hope ya’ll have a good week. I hope this stuffy, drainy head I woke up with this morning goes away while I sleep tonight. It’s spreading to itchy eyes and a raw throat, so the chances of that are somewhere ‘tween slim an’ none, I ‘spect.
You should see a post pop up here on the 3rd, and I’ll be back on line on the 4th. Until then, ta-ta!
I hope you feel better for our trip.
Have a great time 🙂
If you have what I had, take megadoses of Vit. C and nap at will as much as possible. Mine’s almost gone and it’s just now a week since it started. My dad swears by Zicam, too.
Have a great trip! I hope you feel better soon.
Have a great trip! I hope it’s allegries, not contagious stuff, so you can still take care of that kissing thing. 😉
Hope you feel better and have a safe and fun trip.