HomeHealthKnee Knews


Knee Knews — 4 Comments

  1. Ho-ly! You can do the highest resistance level for a few minutes? I’m happy if I can turn the pedals once πŸ™‚
    So despite your knees your legs are quite strong. I’m impressed!

    Hope your knees are better and that y’all feel better πŸ™‚

  2. As a ‘PT’ by day, writer/mother/schizophrenic by night, I say ice ice baby. AND water activities would be better at this point, really.
    SO, I could dance around this OR come right out with it – I want on your blog roll. We can do this the easy way, or the Tish way. How do you want it?
    The Tish way involves leeches, twine, and cod liver oil. Isn’t pretty or painless – but will induce rapid weight loss.

  3. Tish, I’ll be happy to toss you onto the blogroll. I just put you onto my Bloglines subscription a couple weeks ago–decided I should quit getting to you via Holly’s site. Of course, rapid weight loss could be good…

  4. Ice is wonderful — almost sinfully so (I’m not sure even you would believe how exhilarating it was after my physical therapy after last year’s knee surgery). I agree on water activities (although swimming always hurts — my knees feel like they’re going to fly off when I kick; a Navy counterpart gave me a hint about how I might avoid that last week), but the recumbent bike is readily available and doesn’t hurt to use. Walking — either treadmill or street — is still painful. For the last 21 years (that’s when the knees first began to bother me), cycling or walking has been the only viable alternative to running. Running hasn’t been a viable alternative for the last year and a half, so I’ve been relying on cycling and walking. I’m not fond of cycling…