HomeWeb StuffWP Upgrade


WP Upgrade — 6 Comments

  1. I just need to put a polar bear peeking into the header, and I’ll be mostly happy. A couple of font changes on the sidebar would help. And I know this background color is tough for some people to see on the comments box. If I can figure out how to mod those items (and I can — it’s more a matter of when), I might keep this one.

  2. And with very little effort, I resolved my sidebar complaints. Adding a polar bear image somewhere — probably in the header and the comment box background color will follow.

  3. Test — checking comment box and text colors. Will this work visually for everyone? Let me know what you think.

  4. And a bear is on the masthead. Yes, I realize bears don’t go with flowers, but I’ll try it and see how it goes.