HomeHealthThe Knee Deal


The Knee Deal — 3 Comments

  1. I’d be OK with a doc telling me not to run, too! Not that I do run, of course, except in matters when my life is in danger. (I don’t run for the kids anymore; they run faster than I do.) It sounds like you have better doctors there than we do here. Or maybe it’s just because I don’t need a knee doc yet.

    Glad it’s doing better. Yoga will be great for it but you’ll have to modify a few positions.

  2. Who needs running anyways? Better to walk and smell the flowers 🙂

    Hi Jean,
    Wow, I’m probably a lot behind, but I like the new template.
    When was your knee surgery?

  3. Melly, July 25. And thanks. It’s the template most liked during my template test session last year, but I tweaked all the things people critiqued to make it better for everyone — I hope.