Lamenting the Old-Fashioned
A few weeks ago, I was listening to a comedian on one of XM’s comedy channels. He was in Wisconsin and going on and on about the Wisconsinite’s legendary capacity for alcohol consumption. He mentioned nobody could make an old-fasioned like someone from Wisconsin.
Most of my family is from Wisconsin (I don’t know how I’ve managed to never live there, but it’s the closest thing I have to a “hometown”). That comedy sketch got me to thinking, and I made the connection that my paternal grandfather was reknowned for his old-fashioneds. When I visited my grandparents while I was growing up, Grandpa got home from work everyday a little after five, and it was tradition for everyone to have cocktails — we kids had kiddie cocktails. Of course, the drink for grown-ups was Grandpa’s old-fashioneds. I hadn’t thought about this in years until this past month. Grandpa died in late 1992. And I don’t believe I ever had one of his old-fashioneds. (I’ve never been much of a drinker. Of course, I can drink; I usually choose not to.)
Miss Snark brought them up at the end of a post just today and I was once again reminded of this piece of history that has faded from our family. What family traditions have slipped away without you realizing it?
I am a cheesehead. Where are your relatives from?
My family is tight knit. We get together for games, camp fires, etc. So, I can’t say that we have lost any traditions.
But I will say this: my wife and I are going out of our way to start traditions with our 2 daughters.
I’m sure a lost tradition will hit me sooner or later.
This morning I realized I should have also asked if there are any special traditions you’re maintaining or establishing.
My “immediate” family is in the Madison area. Others are in Milwaukee. A little further back, they’re from Baraboo and “up North” — I believe the Mellen area. I also have a cousin in Janesville. My maternal grandmother had a cabin on a lake up near Hayward for many years. I love Wisconsin and Iowa, but I married a Texan, so I’ve become a naturalized Texan.
I’ve only known one of my grandparents, the rest passed away when I was too young to remember them.
But my grandma could sure cook and me and my sisters have hounded her always for recipes and stories. I hope we got them all because she passed away about two years ago…