HomeWriting30 Days to RegularityNaNoWriMo Prep


NaNoWriMo Prep — 2 Comments

  1. You write to music too, eh? I must be one of the few that can’t.

    I can’t naNo. I wanted to, but my novel is a tad behind schedule. I have 15K words left.

  2. I recently read about someone who says they write with football in the background. I do that more than to music. My office is in the dining room of the house (I have an eat in kitchen if I want to sit at the table), and the TV (unless I choose to watch on the monitor — it has a TV tuner in it) is in the living room. The living room and dining room are divided by a fireplace and a pass through shelf. The sound from the TV carries through, and if I don’t feel like watching it, I have the perfect ability to listen to football or basketball while I do whatever I’m doing on the computer.

    Of course, I could also pull out the laptop or the Palm with Bluetooth keyboard. I have no legitimate excuse not to write. Because, even if none of those worked, I have a plethora of notebooks/legal pads and pens/pencils.