

Tagging… — 2 Comments

  1. You like the cold? Wow! I don’t know many women who can say that. I woukld rather have it 50 than 80 outside.

    And good luck taking the fork off of the road less traveled. I got off years ago, and now am simply lost.

    And cynical? I have yet to see that side.

  2. I was thinking of temperament with regards to the polar bear, but I do like the cold (at least cooler) weather.

    Ah, the cynicism. I fight being a “glass half empty” personality and have a massive chip on my shoulder. I just have such broad shoulders that the chip is dwarfed. I’ve learned to mask it through the years, too, so it’s less noticeable.

    Regarding the road less traveled, that’s why I’m getting a 4X4 for Christmas. 😉 And I have a GPS, a laptop, and mapping software.