NaNo Day 10: 21,030
That’s 3,613 words today. It took me far too long to amass that total. I just finished, and I started at around nine this morning. I’m not efficient enough.
I have been doing some extensive researching and realized at least one option I thought I had is probably a bridge too far from here — it’s not impossible, but I don’t believe I want to do what it would take to make it work. For now, I’ve turned to the other option available and am composing a plan to make it work. I believe it’s doable.
I just finished “playing” an online “game” with some Graduate Record Exam (GRE) test preparation software. I last took this test when it was paper-based something like 15 years ago. I did well on it then. If I read the results right, I’d have gotten a 450 on the math portion of the exam if I took it today. I think with minimal preparation the last time around, I scored either a 500 or a 550 on it. It’s something to play with. I’ll want and need to do better if I actually decide I need to take the exam. (Math is my weaker subject.)
To be truly on track today, I should have been at 23,000 tonight. I need to match today’s output for the rest of the weekend to remain on plan.
I remeber the SAT and ACT from wayback. Math is my strong point, and I received near perfect, but the other subjects were a bust for me. Inluding English!!!!!!
When I took the practice GRE, I got about a 480 in math. A month with a Kaplan GRE Math book gave me a 570. It wasn’t too hard, and math is definitely my weak subject.
I checked the GRE website — they have practice tests and a downloadable computer test. I used their test booklet last time I took the exam, and it worked fine. If I’m not comfortable with where I am after that, my next plan is the Kaplan book. I understand schools have gotten much more competitive than when I got my Masters, so I might put a little more effort into preparation.