HomeWriting30 Days to RegularityNaNo Day 10: 21,030


NaNo Day 10: 21,030 — 3 Comments

  1. I remeber the SAT and ACT from wayback. Math is my strong point, and I received near perfect, but the other subjects were a bust for me. Inluding English!!!!!!

  2. When I took the practice GRE, I got about a 480 in math. A month with a Kaplan GRE Math book gave me a 570. It wasn’t too hard, and math is definitely my weak subject.

  3. I checked the GRE website — they have practice tests and a downloadable computer test. I used their test booklet last time I took the exam, and it worked fine. If I’m not comfortable with where I am after that, my next plan is the Kaplan book. I understand schools have gotten much more competitive than when I got my Masters, so I might put a little more effort into preparation.