HomeWriting30 Days to RegularityNaNo Day 12: 29,181


NaNo Day 12: 29,181 — 3 Comments

  1. Steve, if it’s any consolation, it’s 21k in 10 days. Hubby will be here from 20-28, so I’m trying to keep those days free for him. Still not too bad, but I got recalled to work at 0525 for the monthly exercise and didn’t leave the office until 7 tonight. It’s 9pm, and I have yet to open the NaNo file. I guess I had better hop to it and nail a few words for today.

    NaNo on, everyone. You can do it.

  2. That ups the pressure a bit. Take the words when you can get them, even if they only come 200 at a time 🙂