NaNo Day 19: 43,755
That’s 5,334 words today, and it got me where I needed to be. I’ve transferred the file to the Palm, so I can work on it easily while hubby is here this week. I hope to add about 250 words per day that way, which would add another 2k to the total before I’ll be able to focus on it again. If I can’t add any words while he’s here, I’ll need to average 2082 words per day for the last three days to finish. If I can do the 2k on the sly, I’ll only have to average 1415 words per day. Certainly, that would be less stressful.
Great job. I have never had a 5k day. You are almost home. How far do you see your novel going over 50K?
Woohoo! You’re on the home stretch. Go, Jean, go!
I hope to finish my novel this week since I have four days off work in a row. Well, not finish, just reach 50,000 words probably.
5K in a day! WOW!!! My best ever is around 2.5. We’re cheering you all the way to the finish line.
Sounds like a plan. And one hell of a good run. 😀
I thought I might be able to catch up with you, Jean, but you keep sprinting on ahead! Oh well. Go Jean go! You’re doing awesome! I’m cheering you on even as I breathe your dust! 🙂
You have a great chance while I’m otherwise occupied with the spousal unit. You can do it. I’m not getting squat so far.
Thanks, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving for you US folks reading.