HomeHealthSilence of the Yams


Silence of the Yams — 4 Comments

  1. Huh, that’s very interesting. I have a hard time following diets by anybody anymore. Too many people are contradicting eachother, or finding out later that they were entirely wrong. And if I ate the way my school is trying to make me eat now, I’d weigh 110 pounds, and since I’m 6’0 tall with a solid skeletal structure, that would be bad.

    But still, that really does give me some food for thought. (Ha ha! That’s funny!)

  2. Great articel, thanks!

    I read “The China Study” and became a vegetarian last summer. I’ve dropped a ton of weight and feel 1000% better on all fronts. The simple sense that’s outlined in this article is undeniable. Eat what grandma said!


  3. I ditto Jason sentiments. I know that those who eat less live longer. So, moderation in all things.

    This year I am eating a ton more veggies.