HomeWritingThreads & TiesFriday Snippet: Superheroes Aren’t Real


Friday Snippet: Superheroes Aren’t Real — 9 Comments

  1. I think you made some important points in this scene. You also seem to have Cole down pretty well. It’s hard to do characters her age. This is shaping up to be a good novel.

  2. I wonder how you’re going to make Nikki sympathetic? A tough call! But this is coming along great, and I do like Cole’s reaction πŸ™‚

  3. Thank you. Cole is not quite 13. She won’t remain the completely model, understanding kid much longer.

    And you’re right, Meryl, making Nikki sympathetic has been my challenge all along, and I’m not certain I’ll be able to pull it off. In rewrites, much of her on-stage carousing is going to need to be toned down, I think. And very soon, she’s going to have to get a clue

  4. Sounds like a very tough job, but good fun too. I’m glad Cole is going to rebel – she should, she’s been through a lot of hurt. I’m waiting to see Jeff’s motivation for loving Nikki, and what sort of a person he is.

    I need to read more, not these little chunks πŸ™‚

  5. Hi, Jean: I liked the snippet. Cole seems absolutely a character drawn from reality to me. Teenagers (ok, preteen in this case) don’t usually understand complex relationships. The world is more black and white to them–until Life gets around to injecting a little gray in their worlds. And I guess that process is what makes good stories. πŸ™‚

  6. What a great speech about superheroes! I was quite old before my mom ceased being a superhero. Sometimes I think it would have been easier to learn much earlier. My heart goes out to Cole and Jeff.