HomeWritingTwilightFriday Snippets: Twilight


Friday Snippets: Twilight — 8 Comments

  1. Hehe, useful spam, if you’re a spy. What a cool idea! It is a little heavy in backstory, but it was fun learning about her past. 🙂 Happy Friday!

  2. I thought we got a lot of info – but it read quickly and was clever – I loved it! Also loved the idea of spies and spam. 😀 I’d definitely want to read more about these guys and their line of work.

  3. A bit dumpy, but the stuff around that was great. Looking forward to her continuing adventures 🙂

  4. Now here’s a girl who knows what she wants, has a clear goal, and is working her way toward that goal! Definitely a character who makes a great spy!

  5. Excellent post. I always knew spam was evil *g*. Cutting the paragraph up a few times might make it feel less infodumpy, put some of the infor into dialog or something. Cool character.

  6. infodumpy. i like your neologism there. but why apologize for it when that is exactly what a rough draft is for?

    it has a nice flow in the rhythm and pacing of sentences and the idea of using spam to send secret messages is quite clever.

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