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Web Browsing and OSes — 6 Comments

  1. The Commodore 64 was my first computer! But since I was approximately 11 when I got it, it was primarily used to play Ms. Pacman and to write silly little BASIC programs.

  2. It was mine, too. Hubby used a 128 until he retired and tracked grades for each of his classes on it. He had the system developed and never found anything easier after he adopted an IBM clone for most other things. Of course, he uses the Lotus software suite and refuses to use MS products whenever possible. Strangely, I haven’t gotten him hooked on Firefox yet, though.

    He and I have distinctly different computing preferences. I was surprised when he asked if we would go down to one computer after I retire. I told him I didn’t think so. (I have three working PCs, and he has two.)

  3. I can’t even imagine waiting for even the simplest of pages to load on a Commodore–good grief!

    I also wanted to let you know I received “Talyn” yesterday. I’ll start it as soon as I finish the book I’m in now. I can’t wait! Thanks again! 🙂

  4. Wait, Commodore 64 like the old video-game system? That dusty thing my husband has lying around from when he was about seven in the mid-eighties? THAT Commodore 64? People can get on the web with that?? I am SO confused. I’m also probably dating myself…. >.>

  5. I remember the Commodore 64…and I am impressed. I would run from the internet if I had that to browse. Brave soul has my respect. 🙂 Have a great Wednesday!

  6. I’m wondering though. Could the Commodore 64 be a low cost SPAM tool? Hook it up to an internet connection and let ‘er rip with scripts?

    Impressive, but in a different sort of way.