HomeWritingThreads & TiesFreaky Writer Conversations


Freaky Writer Conversations — 11 Comments

  1. Okay, the sad thing is that not only did I get the conversation, I didn’t get what was freaky about it. I had to think hard to realize that house shopping for an imaginary couple was a stretch for most people.

    However, I think you’d find more people sympathizing with this than you think…I mean how many of us have looked at houses in places we’d never live just for the fun of “trying them on?”

    There may actually be a crossover between writers and normal people…right around the line of imaginary shopping :D.


    P.S. Guess who I listened to while outlining my new novel? Thanks so much for the intro to Kathy Mattea

  2. No! (mock surprise) A cross-over between writers and normal people? How?

    But seriously, glad you ‘re enjoying Kathy Mattea. And if you like Celtic music, check out her newer albums.

  3. Writers crossed with normal people? Well, I suppose with the proper genetic engineering, it’s possible. But what misshapen freakish things would that produce?! Haven’t we learned anything from the lessons of Godzilla and Frankenstein?

  4. I don’t know, Tech. It’s Margaret’s idea. She spent all that time in Afghanistan growing up. Then she spent time in both Boston and California (and who knows where else!). What would you expect? Her environment has her predisposed to trying these scary, scary combinations. There are probably more like her out there somewhere . . .

  5. Aha! So that’s where Martians come from — writer/normal person hybrids. It’s all becoming so much clearer now…

  6. You all are scary. I thought it would tell me if someone added a comment to a post I’d commented on so I was innocently going about my business unaware I was being maligned, MALIGNED I tell you!

    And you know that hybrid had to happen someday. Every computer has some form of word processing tool and more and more people are having computers. I think fears for the written language are premature…handwritten maybe.

    Grinning madly in my not so hybrid world,

  7. I hate that Plug-In, because, invariably, it defaults to being on, and I have to manually un-check the darn box. Since I hate it, I’ve never gone looking for it or installed in on my blogs.

    Hmmm…Methinks you may be lumping us all together in that scary place where you were being so terribly maligned. If that’s so, I’m delighted to say it’s excellent company.