Hot Coffee
I’ve tentatively titled this year’s NaNo Novel Hot Coffee. I’m not sure it will stick, but that’s a start. I’ve added a category for it on the sidebar.
I glanced down from the computer screen last night and saw a story idea I scribbled on a Post It around a year ago, give or take a few months. I’m going to try to mesh the NaNo back story and character idea I had with that story idea. It’s still weak, but maybe it will gain strength between now and the first.
Coffee? Coffee is so…last week! Are you sure it isn’t a mochaccino latte?
Er. Have fun with the story!
But. But. PBW says it has to be a two word title!
I could go with Iced Tea…but I’m blowing things up, hence the hot. On the other hand, Latte might fit….hmmmm.
And what isn’t two words about Mochaccino Latte?
Okay, I’m off to mind my own business for at least an hour.
Oh. I was thinking you meant Hot Mochaccino Latte.
LOL on the Mochaccino Latte! I like the title, though. But it’s interesting that Sheila said only two words. My WIP has way more than two words and she loves the title. Anyway, good luck with NaNo, Jean. I can’t believe it’s only two days away.
Well, your title is special, Linda. Who wouldn’t love it?