Going to Be Scarce
I’m not sure how much I’ll be saying here over the next couple of months. I should be preparing to move — sorting stuff, deciding what I’m going to hand-carry in two trips, securing stuff that stays with the house — that kind of thing. I’m procrastinating, but I’m pushing myself to do a little each day.
I’m doing a critique for a friend of mine, and I’m doing a lot of reading. And, of course, I’m disentangling from my day job, since it won’t be my responsibility to defend the nation after the end of May. And so far, nobody else is stepping up to do it. Don’t worry. Plenty of other people will still be making sure the United States remains a sovereign entity, but my little part of it is dangling.
In short, I’m distracted, and writing is pretty much the furthest thing from my mind. Since this is (supposedly) a writing blog, I’m trying to spare you most of the other machinations currently underway. I figure it’s just best to warn you there may not be a whole lot of content for awhile.
Hang in there Jean. Moving is tough, tough experience (I’ve done it more times than I can to recall and in fact just moved my mother all day yesterday in the cold pouring rain) but it can be such a feeing feeling to get rid of things that you normally would not touch. Good luck.
Ugh. I feel for anyone moving. My little sister is moving, too. She’s moving locally, though. I don’t know which is worse!
I’d still love to hear what’s going on in your corner when you’ve got time–not all of us come here just for the writing. 😉
Hey, update us! Even if it’s not writing, we’re interested!
And I’m hoping your subscious is working on Twilight. And have you thought about a spin-off series — like maybe an illustrated novel — featuring Hilda? Or a movie! And she could be played by Angelina!
Ahem. I meant your subconscious. But your subscious can work on it, too.