HomeTech StuffDisappointment


Disappointment — 3 Comments

  1. There must be some plot with satellite radio. You’re not the first I’ve heard of that has had trouble with their satellite radio on a long trip. It’s almost like they’ve learned from computers how to go under at the most inopportune times!

    Maybe Natasha just knew you were going to leave–cats have a way of knowing those kinds of things, the little twerps! 😉

  2. To make matters worse, I plugged it into my boom box this morning and got the same error. So, it may not be the car kit. Did something fry the antenna lead on the actual receiver?

    While that would be very disappointing, I haaaave been wanting one with a color screen….

    As for Natasha, I suppose that’s possible. I’ve noticed that both female cats I’ve had have been very single-minded about who they care to associate with.