XM Car Kit
The new XM car kit arrived night before last. Yesterday morning before leaving for work, I installed the new XM receiver cradle and tried to use the old antenna. No dice. I installed the new antenna, and everything worked fine.
In comparing the two, the cradle appeared to have lost a metal sleeve on the antenna jack which would have prevented an electrical connection between the antenna and the cradle. No electical connection, no antenna detected. I haven’t looked closely, so I don’t really have an answer as to why the old antenna didn’t connect to the new cradle. That connection has always been a tough one on that device, so perhaps it was damaged in some way.
I’m wrapping up loose ends at work. I had a medical procedure yesterday morning which should eliminate (or confirm, but I think eliminate) bad medical things and reduce the problem to just an annoying one that will eventually go away (achieving menopause should cure it), but the perimenopause stage is apparently a real annoyance. Now, if I could just get confirmation on my moving contractor and dates. I’ve been told I should get what I asked for, but I’m reaching the point where I need to contact utility providers, and I want to ensure I have my dates right. I expect to be watching the truck loaded with my household goods drive away two weeks from today, but I don’t have any confirmation of that. I’m just getting a little anxious. I’m sure it will all smooth out by next week.
That reminds me of an email joke that went around years ago about how Windows kept crashing. If car manufacturers built cars like MS built Windows, we’d have cars crashing all over all the time. I’m feeling that way about electronics in general. I’m starting to wonder if the boom in technology is because they’re so anxious to get things to market that they’re not completely thought out. Seems silly to have so much trouble with a radio! 😉
I still remember the angst of waiting on someone else to do their thing so I could do my thing when we were planning our move. It’s been three years and I’m still feeling it. I’m sure you’re right that it’ll smooth out, but it’s enough to swear off moving ever again.
Breathe in, breathe out… 🙂